General Health
The quickest way to lower your blood pressure
Having a high blood pressure puts you at great risk to develop heart diseases or even to have a heart-attack. Unfortunately high blood pressure affects millions of people and the number of patients keeps increasing. It does not have any specific sym...
Manganese Supplement
Manganese is a mineral used by the human body for a number of processes. Its needed for proper growth and the break down of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Also without Manganese our bodies wouldn’t be able to make and store fat (which we do ne...
Vitamin C in Skin Care
The integumentary system is the body's largest organ. It can also be a woman's biggest nightmare. The epidermis and its care is one of the most ubiquitous concerns of women as they age. Vitamin C is used in skin care to help prevent premature aging...
Online Pharmacy- Choice of Masses
In the age of internet and information technology, more and more people are incorporating this virtual world of .COM into their lives. All one needs to know is some basic computer skills in order to access the internet which can provide you any kind...
Has your shoulder frozen?
Has your shoulder frozen? Does it is feel like your shoulder has locked itself in place, is stiff or hard to move? If so, you are not alone. Although the causes are not totally understood, about two in every American suffers from a disorder called...
How to Treat Painful Feet: Incorporating Healthy Foot Soaks
For those who spend a lot of time standing or walking, painful feet may become an unfortunate reality. Taking time to treat painful feet can help soothe the aches and pains, and may help prevent more serious conditions. A healthy soak for feet desig...
Mumps - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Mumps Definition: Mumps is an acute , contagious, viral illness characterized by painful enlargement of the parotid glands, just below and in front of the ear, and at times, the salivary glands under the jaw and sometimes of the pancreas, ovaries, o...
Pneumonia - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Pneumonia Definition: Pneumonia is an acute or chronic disease marked by inflammation of one or both lungs. An inflammation of the lungs caused by viruses, bacteria, or other microorganisms and sometimes by physical and chemical irritants. The air s...
Sore-Throat - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Sore-Throat Definition : A sore throat is a disease primarily located in the area around the tonsils. It is also known as pharyngitis or tonsillitis.The pharynx is the part of the throat that lies between the mouth and the larynx or voice box. It is...