General Health
What are the foods that cause gout?
Gout is a painful rheumatic illness that affects more and more people nowadays because the modern lifestyle involves an unhealthy diet that can cause a large number of diseases, among which gout is almost on top of the list. The main cause of gout f...
What are the causes of pneumonia and how can it be prevented?
Pneumonia is a disease that caused a large number of deaths before antibiotics were invented. Ever since then it can be treated by taking a few pills that were prescribed by the doctor. But it still causes problems to many people and a lot of patien...
Dog Health Problems and Symptoms
I hope the reason you’re here is to be proactive, rather than having a sick dog. My heart breaks every time I see one of my dogs in pain or not feeling well. Luckily it doesn’t happen too often, but when it does, I get very upset. Doing research...
Hospitals embrace massage therapy
A newly released survey reveals that in increasing number of hospitals are incorporating massage into their therapy programs. In fact, according to Health Forum, numbers have increased by over one third in just the last two years. Massage therapists...
How To Help Your Doctor
Why Your Doctor Needs Your Help Your doctor needs your help urgently. Almost anyone who has ever been a patient waiting in a physician=s office has direct reason to know that doctors need help. Why is it a common experience routinely to have to wait...
Candida- An Introduction
Many people suffer from an excess of candida in their bodies, and sinus problems are among the effects. The yeast (a form of fungus), is called candida and the disease is referred to as candidiasis. If you feel listless, achy, or even light-headed o...
Learn all there is to know about the gallbladder removal operation
The gallbladder removal operation is one of the most performed surgeries in the united states. More and more people of ages 40 and above are experiencing gallbladder problems and need surgery to remove the organ and the stones that it causes. The ga...
Learn the symptoms of the gallbladder disease to avoid complications
Since the number of people that are diagnosed with the gallbladder disease is alarmingly increasing, and gallbladder surgery is one of the most performed surgeries in the United States, it is important that you understand this illness and its sympto...
Sports hernia - a different type of hernia that can't be diagnosed or easily tre
Sports hernia is a very common illness among those who are playing sports like rugby, hockey and soccer because while playing these sports the body does a lot of twisting moves which weaken the muscles. Most people know this disease as 'Gilmore's Gr...