General Health
- Umbilical hernia - a harmless form of hernia - signs and treatment
- Umbilical hernia is the least dangerous type of hernia and it appears very often at new born babies. It is a harmless illness that develops in the area of the belly-button, or umbilicus. A number of new-born children have a weakness in the muscles l...
- The Management and Treatment of Chronic Bronchitis
- Chronic bronchitis refers to inflammation and often infection of the bronchia, manifested by persistent, sputum-producing cough. Patients are diagnosed with chronic bronchitis if they experience sputum expectoration for more than three months of the...
- Issues Regarding the Progression of Chronic Bronchitis
- Chronic bronchitis refers to inflammation and infection of the bronchial tubes and mucosal membranes, generating an overproduction of mucus. The excessive production of mucus at the level of the respiratory tract is the body’s inflammatory respons...
- Best issues for an ulcer overview
- The number of people that are fighting ulcer is greatly increasing each year, so this disease is becoming a serious enemy because it affects both men and women, both the young and the old, age or sex does not matter. Fortunately ulcer treatment is c...
- Learn ulcer's symptoms and how to detect it early
- As time passes and the world evolves towards a better future more and more people are having health problems and are suffering from one of the modern-day diseases, caused by today's lifestyle. Among these diseases, one of them affects more than 25 m...
- Inguinal Hernia - a common disease that you should know more about
- Hernia and especially inguinal hernia is a very common and widespread illness that affects millions but although many suffer from it and the pain that it causes can be excruciating if left untreated, there aren't too many discussions about it in the...
- Issues in Diagnosing Acute Bronchitis
- Acute bronchitis is a common respiratory disease that causes inflammation of the bronchial mucosal membranes. Unlike chronic forms of the disease, acute bronchitis has a rapid onset and generates more intense symptoms. However, acute bronchitis does...
- What exactly is peptic ulcer and what causes it?
- Ulcer is a very common and known disease that each one of us has heard of. But what many don't know is what are the true causes of the ulcer disease. Until some time ago everybody believed that ulcer is caused by hot and spicy food and also by stres...
- Detecting the signs of Anorexia
- Anorexia Nervosa is a serious condition that affects quite a number of people and if it is not discovered and treated in time its consequences may be fatal to those suffering from it. It is important to understand that this so-called disease is not...