General Health
- Statistic Information on Leukemia
- Leukemia is a cancerous disease caused by abnormal activity of stem cells (immature cells that originate in the bone marrow). There are two main types of leukemia - myelogenous and lymphocytic (according to the type of cells involved), which can be...
- Survival Rates of Patients with Leukemia
- Although medical science has evolved significantly in the last decades, the treatment of leukemia is still a major issue in present. Modern medicine doesn’t hold the cure for leukemia and medical treatments available these days provide differentia...
- Gall Bladder Congenital Anomalies and the Treatment of Gall Bladder Disease
- Gall bladder disease generally refers to the formation of gallstones inside the bile ducts, affecting the production of bile and the release of this substance when it is required in the process of digestion. In some cases, gall bladder disease may a...
- Permanent Post-Cholecystectomy Undesirable Effects
- Gall bladder disease has a very high incidence among the population of the United States. There are various causes of gall bladder disease, ranging from inappropriate nutrition to physiological dysfunctions at the level of the biliary system. Howeve...
- Relations between Inappropriate Nutrition and Gall Bladder Disease
- Although gall bladder disease mostly occurs on the premises of physiological dysfunctions at the level of the biliary system, inappropriate diet is also a major cause of gall bladder affections. The gall bladder has a very important role inside the...
- Acid Reducers in the Treatment of Acid Reflux
- Acid Reflux (gastro-esophageal reflux disease) is a very common disorder that involves the regurgitation of the stomach inside the esophagus. The disorder produces symptoms such as heartburn, throat inflammation and pain, difficulty swallowing and d...
- Acid Reflux and Weight Gain
- Acid reflux is a common disorder that affects more than 7 percent of the American population. The disease generates symptoms such as heartburn, throat inflammation and pain, difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing. The symptoms of acid reflux...
- Causes and Risk Factors of Acid Reflux
- Gastro-esophageal reflux, commonly referred to as acid reflux, is a very common disorder, affecting more than 7 percent of the American population. Acid reflux can occur in people of all ages, although it is more common in newborns and young childre...
- Effective Forms of Treatment for Acid Reflux Disease
- Gastro-esophageal reflux disease, also known as acid reflux, is a physiological disorder that causes regurgitation of the stomachs’ content inside the esophagus and oral cavity. The disease generally occurs as a consequence of increased abdominal...