General Health
- Taller People Make More Money (A Recent Study done by the University of Florida)
- This past week a few interesting studies came out about the advantages afforded taller people in America. A Recent study done by the University of Florida found that taller people make more money. They found for every inch of height there was $789 m...
- Your Guide To Managing Your High Blood Pressure
- What Is Blood Pressure? Blood pressure is the pressure of blood in contact with the walls of the arteries. It is registered as two numbers, as the heart beats (the systolic pressure) over as the heart relaxes between beats (the diastolic pressure)....
- Changing role of nurse
- The issues related to nursing involve a thorough examination of nursing as theory and practice. The role of the nurse practitioner especially in areas of clinical decision making and management could be studied in the contexts of obstetrics and gyna...
- Hospitality Marketing: A Remedy to Problems of Hospitality Industry
- This article will provide a brief overview about the concept of hospitality industry, the problems faced by this industry and importance of hospitality marketing to ensure customer satisfaction and business growth. Hospitality industry has a long ev...
- Restless leg syndrome causing you problems?
- Suffering from restless leg syndrome? It has been reported that app. 10 percent of American adults are being affected by restless leg syndrome. It is a health condition which causes you to move your legs while lying down, sleeping or even while sitt...
- Mesothelioma - What are the treatments?
- The location, stage of the disease along with the paitent's age and general health all play a role in determining the treatment of mesothelioma. Options for treatement generally include surgery, radiation therapy and chemo therapy. Surgery is a comm...
- Bottle or Tap Water a Matter of Taste
- The answer to the question why do we need water is known by everybody from children to old people. Nutritionists and doctors are emphasizing the important role of water for the good functioning of the human body. Nutrition and drinking water are so...
- Treat Shoulder Tendonitis Before Its Too Late
- Shoulder tendonitis is the inflammation of the tendons around the shoulder’s rotator cuff and upper bicep area. Shoulder tendonitis is usually developed by sports and activities that require you to lift your hands above your head repeatedly. Commo...
- Diagnosed With a Herniated Disc? Get the facts on what really causes it and how
- What is a herniated disc? You’ve probably heard people say they have a "slipped" or "ruptured" disc in the back. Sometimes they complain that their back “went out”. What they’re most likely describing is a herniated disc. This condition is a...