General Health
- Aromatherapy Information | Essential Oils
- Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses plant materials volatile liquids, called essential oils (OE). Aromatherapy is one of the most popular branches of Holistic Medicine. Aromatherapy is a natural form of physical and psychologica...
- Dandruff Treatment Information
- Dandruff is the most common disorder affecting the scalp. The skin is constantly renewing itself and the dead cells of the scalp that fall in the form of new cells. Everybody loses cells of the skin in this way, but with the film the entire process...
- Hair Color | Hair Coloring
- Hair color is the result of pigmentation due to the presence of chemicals eumelanin and pheomelanin. Hair color is provided by the pigment produced by cells called melanocytes. " The pigments are called "melanin." Melanin black are meant strictly sp...
- Hair Damage Information
- Healthy looking hair has a smooth, tightly closed cuticle layer that protects the inner cortex from drying out. Hair is composed primarily of proteins (88%). These proteins are of a hard fibrous type known as keratin. Hair comes in a variety of text...
- Hair Vitamins | Hair Care
- Hair loss occurs when the diet is inadequate in the vitamins - especially B6, biotin, inositol and folic acid; and the minerals magnesium, sulfur and zinc. Hair growth requires optimal delivery of oxygen and nutrients from the circulatory system to...
- Types of Hair | Hair Care
- Hair is an offshoot of protein, set up simply on mammals. Hair projects of the epidermis, but rose from hair follicles deep in the dermis. There are many types hates. Curly hair is almost different from consecutive hair because hair can appear in ma...
- Grey Hair | Hair Care
- There is no scientific evidence that any food, herb, supplement or product can reduce or reverse gray hair. Grey hair is usually a natural result of aging. Pigment in the hair shaft comes from special cells at the root (base) hair. These cells are g...
- Hair Care Tips | Hair Care Advice
- The way your hair looks can make or completely ruin your appearance. A human being has different types of hair, such as oil, the hair dry and normal. Each type of hair should be given the greatest attention care of the hair is a term for parts of hy...
- Hirsutism Treatment Information
- Hirsutism is the term used when a woman grows too many body or facial hair in a pattern that occur normally seen only in men. It usually begins around puberty, but mild hirsuitism can begin at any age. Hirsuitism is almost always the result of the e...