General Health
- Pure Water Hydration in an Avian Flu Pandemic - The Value of Planning in Norther
- A threat to the nation’s health is emerging in Asia and the Indian Sub Continent that has potentially devastating implications. Avian Flu (the H5N1 strain of Influenza A) is a fact in many parts of Asia, although to date the avian strain has not c...
- Home Treatment For Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Irritable Bowel syndrome is a common problem with the intestines. Doctor will likely to start listing a bunch of medications you can take to help control Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), when you visit your doctor to talk about it. However, you may w...
- Severe Sunburn Symptom
- If you have ever stayed out in the sun a little bit too long you know that it can be very dangerous, and not to mention painful. There are many symptoms that go along with a case of sever sunburn. If you are experience any of these, you will want to...
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome Cause and Treatment
- What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Irritable Bowel Syndrome or as it is sometimes called Spastic Colon or Mucous Colitis or Spastic Colitis or Nervous Stomach or Irritable Colon, is a functional disorder and not a disease. A functional disorder refer...
- Mouth Grillz 101
- So you have realized that the piercing, the nose ring, and the tattoo have become all too common. It is time then to get seriously wacky. And what will help you stand apart from the crowd? Let your teeth do the talking – ah those neglected, ignore...
- Sleep Apnea
- OVERCOME THE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF SLEEP APNEA By Valerie Macleod Sleep apnea is surprisingly quite a common problem in people who suffer from interrupted periods of sleep. So what exactly is sleep apnea and do you know if it is the cause of your la...
- Canine Hip Dysplasia - Signs, Symptoms, and Tips To Prevent It
- Canine hip dysplasia is a genetic issue that starts to appear from the ages of 4 to 12 months. Not all puppies in a litter will develop it, though if your dog has canine hip dysplasia, she should not be bred. Larger breed dogs have a higher risk of...
- What Are Different Types of Blood Pressure Monitor
- Are you looking for Blood Pressure Monitors? This article will give you comprehensive information about all types of blood pressure monitors.Taking your blood pressure and keeping a record of the measurements is important. It will give you and your...
- Learning about Ayurveda
- It is the science of preventive health (take care of health so that disease does not get a chance to get in) and the living habits that check over indulgence in physical senses, going against conscience and natural resistance to the call of the soul...