General Health
- The Dangers of Bleeding Ulcer
- More and more people are suffering from digestive disorders these days. Due to poor diets, unhealthy lifestyles and the abuse of caffeine, cigarettes and alcohol, most people develop different forms of ulcer. There are multiple types of ulcer and so...
- The Importance of Paying Attention to Ulcer Symptoms
- Stressful lifestyles, poor diets and the abuse of cigarettes, alcohol and caffeine are characteristic to many people these days. All these factors contribute to the development of digestive disorders and an increasing number of people have been diag...
- Understanding Gastric Ulcer
- Increasingly larger numbers of people are diagnosed with digestive disorders these days, most of them requiring hospitalization and careful monitoring. Ulcer is a very common digestive disorder, involving inflammation or tare at certain levels of th...
- When Avian Flu Persists, ''Wildlife'' May Sound Tamer than ''Birds''
- Although the Type A influenza virus which is responsible for Avian Flu (or more commonly referred to as Bird Flu) is known to be susceptible to waterfowl and poultry species only, there is a very high possibility that a new viral strain will emerge...
- Who Needs Calcium Supplements and Why?
- The straight forward answer to this question is people of all ages require calcium supplements to keep their bones strong and avoid any kind of bone disease. The amount of calcium required by the body depends on the age of the person. Listed below i...
- Sunburn Home Remedies
- If you are suffering from sunburn, but do not want to go to the doctor, there are several home remedies that you can use to treat your condition. In many cases, these home remedies can provide you with better treatment than anything that you would g...
- Prevention and First Aid Treatment for Heatstroke
- Prevention and First Aid Treatment for Heatstroke by Doran Roggio 2006 Don’t we just love those long, hot summer days in the sun? Keep in mind, however, that the high temperatures and excessive humidity can pose dangers. One of the dangers to be a...
- Factors of Risk in Common Forms of Gout
- Gout is known to be a rheumatoid form of arthritis that causes inflammation, intense pain, discomfort and swelling of the affected regions. Gout mainly tends to affect the joints, especially those of the lower body limbs, such as toes, heels, ankles...
- Issues Regarding Gout Treatment
- Due to improper diet, sedentary lifestyle and obesity, many people suffer from gout these days. Gout predominantly affects men and the disease is most likely to occur at a more advanced age. Men with ages over 50 usually develop forms of gout. In so...