General Health
- Stress: Our Body's Enemy
- Our lives are filled with stress. Our body's stress response is what helped our ancestors survive, enabling them to fight or flee from danger. But in today's world, most stressors are psychological, rather than physical. Stress can have a positive e...
- Defeat Cancer Scare with Early Detection Testing
- Cancer scare is a popular term today to describe an individual or a society’s worry over cancer and its effects. In an age of fast-paced lifestyle where information flows at a high speed, wrong information and advice can get to us that can lead us...
- Coping with Thyroid Cancer
- The understanding of thyroid cancer and its serious effects have documented different success stories and experiences in coping with the disease. Although thyroid cancer can be a worrisome condition, it should not be a hindrance for us to live our l...
- Coping with Colon Cancer
- Upon hearing the diagnosis of colon cancer, a set of mixed emotions can flow that can make you feel overwhelmed and stress. You are pressed into a situation where everything suddenly seems uncertain. Forced to look over future financial concerns, th...
- Lifestyle Tips in Coping with Diabetes
- Diabetes through the years has become an epidemic in the western world. With its subtle symptoms as the disease starts, it is described as a silent killer where diagnosis can be shocking to patient who believed they were healthy all along. For patie...
- Importance of Early Detection Testing
- Today’s fast paced society has given us a lot to worry about and we forget the more important things in our lives. With everything that needs to be taken into account, we sometimes overlook other factors that look subtle. However, when it strikes...
- The Importance of Diabetes Testing
- In a world hunted by different types of degenerative diseases, diabetes is given prime importance as trends have indicated serious cases. According to the Center of Disease Control, diabetes has reached epidemic proportions that there are actually m...
- Fighting prostate cancer
- A guide on how to prevent, detect and survive prostate cancer. Prostate cancer claims its turf silently. The tumor grows in the prostate gland discreetly without any obvious symptoms until an advanced stage of growth is reached. The symptoms that do...
- Health, Fitness, Weight training, Smoking and Drinking.
- Weight training makes a person healthy, fit and strong. It is not just for people who want to build muscle, but also for everyone who likes to stay fit and keep the excess weight off. If you want to get in shape or stay in shape you can walk, run or...