General Health
Lasik Surgery at Affordable Cost- High Time to Get Your Vision Back!
The LASIK is such a developed system that gives your eyes an overall enhanced vision and a quality of sight, and yes lasik cost you really cheap. Nowadays, because of complicated research and cut in the rate, the lasik has become accessible to all s...
Office chair back support: give your back the perfect cushion
Getting up in the morning, gulping down breakfast and rushing to office is the normal pattern of life of many people who are working individuals. And probably we fail to realize that we are losing out on many things in this mad scramble to become su...
A 5-Step Breathing Exercise to Better Health, More Energy and Longer Life!
Just a few minutes a day of this simple breathing exercise will bring you better health, more energy and longer life! We all know that the human body can go more than a month without food and several days without water… but how long can we survive...
How to Stop Hearing Loss?
My mother is almost 90 years and has a hearing loss problem. Her problem started when she was around 70 years. But, most health or physical issues start much earlier. They start from the early twenties or sooner. As you age, your various organs and...
Do You Really Need Fiber for Constipation Relief?
Constipation is some times looked at as a nuisance. But in reality it is a condition that comes from physical and mental unbalances. Because of this, constipation represents a serious condition and warning that you should not ignore.. So where do yo...
The Truth about Cleansing the Colon
Recently I read an article written by a doctor blasting the idea that cleansing the colon or the body had no real value. His argument was that if there were any toxins in the body, then the body was equipped to remove them without any help by any ty...
What Kind of Toxins does Your Body Have?
A lot of being said about body toxins and colon toxins and removing toxins from the body. But what really are body toxins and where do they come from? And, why do we need to remove them? A toxin is a chemical or substance that creates irritation and...
Amino Acid Supplement
Amino acids are very small biomolecules with an average molecular weight of about 135 daltons. The 20 amino acids that are found within proteins convey a vast array of chemical versatility. Amino acid is a molecule that contains both amine and carbo...
It's difficult to tell what we're going to be satisfied with after our days of work have finished. Have you ever actually sat and pondered retirement? What will you do on a day-to-day basis once you're finally finished with your career? Will you go...