General Health
- Protect Your Body and Slow Down Aging With Antioxidants
- The Challenge of Free Radicals to Your Body Your body is under constant attack--not only from pathogens of all kinds--but also, at the molecular level, from "free radicals." Free radicals are unstable molecules that result inevitably from the oxidat...
- Short Introduction to Elliot Waves as a Resource in Forex Trading
- The Forex market has the largest volume of trades per day among all the capital markets you can trade. This characteristic together with it’s high leverage and around the clock trading schedule makes Forex very attractive for traders around the wo...
- Sleep: 10 Ways to Get a Good Night's Sleep
- Sleep – are you getting enough? For some people, enough is four to six hours. Other people just don't feel right with less than eight hours. People need more or less sleep at different phases in their life. Women may need more or less sleep at dif...
- The Right Dental Care Products
- The brand of Dental Care Products that you use can play a large role in your oral hygiene. If you get an extremely cheap brand, then you know that you are most likely not going to get very good results. My favorite toothpaste is called “Colgate 2...
- Sleep Deprivation, What Are The Consequences?
- Sleep is probably best described as the loss of awareness of what is happening around us. The brain itself never sleeps and still continues to function, although the brainwave rhythms are altered and gradually slow as we approach the deeper stages o...
- 8 Proven Weight Loss Tips
- There are a lot of “crash” diets out there that promise that you’ll drop a considerable amount of weight in days or a week. I have tried a few of these, and in my experience the weight always comes back on, just as quickly since the weight los...
- Baby Massage: A Cure for Colic
- Colic hurts. Any parent who has an affected child will know that there is almost no pain like it – the physical and vocal response to the problem can be highly tiring and its very difficult to stand by and cope as a parent. It’s often tough to a...
- Bedtime and Sleep Habits
- Bedtime and children’s sleep habits can cause nightmares - for parents, that is! Often at the end of a long day all you want is a little peace and time for yourself. After all, you have probably devoted the entire to the service of children in som...
- Fitness-related Benefits of Massage
- Ask someone their reason for getting a massage and you're likely to hear "because it feels good". We all know that a massage can relieve stress, help to make sore muscles feel better and even reduce anxiety, but can it help us achieve our fitness go...