General Health
- Clouding disease called Cataract
- In ophthalmology, a cataract is known as the opacity of the eye lens. Cataracts are a clouding of the lens of the eye. Talk to your eye doctor. About a year ago, a new kind of intraoccular implant was developed that lets your eye focus just as it di...
- Diarrhoea Causes and home treatment
- Diarrhoea or diadumpa is an abnormal increase in the frequency and liquidity of the stools. It may be caused by intestinal infections, other forms of intestinal inflammation, malabsorption and anxiety. Severe or prolonged diarrhoea may lead to exces...
- Headaches The Culprit
- Headache is defined as pain in the head and the parts of the body such as the back of the neck. Headache is seen in any age group. The pain can be mild enough to disrupt daily activities. There are different types of headache are present such as ten...
- Congestive Heart Failure Information
- Congestive heart failure, or CHF, is a sign that your heart has been working much too hard for too many years. It continues pumping blood, but not nearly as well as it should. As a result, your blood flow slows down. Blood is responsible for deliver...
- Hair Care Tips for Beautiful, Healthy and Shining Hair
- Beautiful, healthy and shining hair is a valuable asset. Healthy hair is dependent on the health of the scalp (hair requires a plentiful supply of nutrient-rich blood to nourish the hair follicles in the scalp) it makes sense that eating nutritional...
- Natural IBS Treatments
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic disorder characterized by reoccurring abdominal pain and intermittent diarrhea, which often alternates with constipation. IBS most commonly affects people between the ages of 20 and 30 and is twice as comm...
- Massage Therapy Schools of Massotherapy
- We all have long days and stressful jobs from time to time, and it can be hard to find a way to relax when we leave the office. However, one excellent way to let worries and stresses disappear is to get massotherapy. A great deal of science and know...
- Herbal Solutions vs Chemical Solutions
- Herbal products have become ever increasingly popular as remedies for everything from skin conditions and hair loss to breast enlargement and increasing sexual vigour and penis size. A large percentage of the consumer dollar in many countries is swi...
- Good remedy For Armpit Sweating; Unearth it!
- How do you explain a foul stench just as you are stepping out of your lavatory door, how about that horrible stain under your shirt/blouse sleeves due to Armpit sweating as you rush to that morning class lesson or job? What tongue twister do you use...