General Health
Pilates, Alexander and the Health of the Human Race
Joseph Pilates and F. Matthias Alexander were important pioneers in thinking about how the human body functions, and how to improve that functioning. Their ideas, carried on today as the Pilates Method and the Alexander Technique, have had a profoun...
An NYC personal trainer aids to keep you fit
Personal trainer is a qualified professional who can help you in having a fit and healthy body. More then every before today it is very important to have a healthy body. Life expectancy has increased vastly and to live well till a late age, on needs...
Short Term Health Insurance - What You Need to Know
Short term health insurance or temporary health insurance is a good way to alleviate the risk of an unforeseen and unfortunate event while in the midst of a transitional period. All of that to say that it is extremely important to make sure that you...
Smoking Facts - Nicotine Is Good For Your Health!
Don’t believe it is? Well medical research proves it is read on and find out why. Smoking is bad for you. We know that, it kills million however a smoking fact that is true and backed up by medical research is that nicotine in its pure form is saf...
The Impact Of Smoking On Your Bones
When you suffer from osteoporosis, your bones such as hip, spine, and wrist break easily. A number of studies show the unfavorable relationship between smoking and loss of bone density or osteoporosis. Could there be other risk factors among smokers...
Treating Anxiety Disorders
If you believe you may suffer from one of many anxiety disorders it is important to learn about treating anxiety disorders. While anxiety is often a part of normal life from time to time, anxiety and panic disorders produce results far different fro...
Understanding Anxiety Mood Disorders
If you have noticed recurrent symptoms that prevent you from enjoying daily activities it may be necessary to investigate the presence of anxiety mood disorders. There are several different types of mood disorders. Major Depression-This type of depr...
Understanding the Physical Symptoms of Anxiety and Stress
While stress is a normal part of everyday life, the physical symptoms of anxiety and stress can be tremendous. In small doses, stress can actually be good for us because it serves to motivate us, keep us on our toes and help us to be more productive...
Vitamin B1 and Its Importance to Mental Health
Vitamin B1 also called as thiamine is one of the eight vitamins that make up the powerful group called as the Vitamin B complex. Like all of the B vitamins this nutrient plays a great role in the good health of the body as well as a sound mental hea...