General Health
Health Tips For Busy People: Healthy Diet And Exercise In the Office
Many women’s lifestyle magazines frustrate us by providing exercise regimens for work and then adding: “You can do this exercise in your office!” What about those of us who work in a cube or other small space (with no floor space for Pilates-s...
How to Get Big Muscles Fast
Whether you like it or not, you have to admit that having a great body that is well developed with the right cuts at the right places evokes a great deal of admiration from those around you. You probably have noticed people paying extra attention wh...
Interval Training
Are you in an exercise rut? Do you want to kick your fitness level up a notch and increase your endurance? Would you like to add more intensity to you workout? Interval training is a good way to achieve all of these goals in a safe and systematic ma...
Starting Exercise Program: New Lover Approach
Approach a New Exercise Program Like a New Lover Nine times out of 10 what happened was you simply tried to do too much too soon. It's like dating. You meet someone you like and want them to like you too, so you call them five times a day, leaving c...
This short article looks at some of the tips, tricks and helpful hints you can use to help prevent sports injury and do-away with stiff, aching muscles Preventing Sports Injury If you’re involved in the health a sports injury is one of the most fr...
The Abs... More Important Than You Think
What comes to your mind when I say the word “abs”? Do you think of the infomercials advertising “6 second abs” or the latest Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue? Most people focus on training their abs to look thinner or sexier. But, do you re...
The Role Of Repetitions In Your Muscle Building Program
Repetitions are the basic building blocks of any strength or muscle building program but it is something that many lifters take for granted. How often do you see people at the gym speed through their reps, breathe haphazardly or fail to complete eac...
Health Insurance Representative
The health care agent will be someone with whom a person shares a lot of important information and with whom they are basically trusting their health and their life to. It is natural, then, that a person chooses someone they feel like they can commu...
You Are What You Eat - The Basis of a Healthy Diet is Good Nutrition
If you are looking to reduce weight but also see an overall improvement in your health, you will no doubt be aware that it is not just a case of burning more calories than you take in. Good nutrition skills are also part of the equation simply becau...