Cause Of Bad Breath
Bad breath cause of embarrassment, create social and psychological barriers , and even affect marriages. Bad Breath also known about halitosis. Bad breath can also be caused by dry mouth (xerostomia), which occurs when the flow of saliva decreases....
Home Remedies for Hemorrhoid Relief
Hemorrhoids are one of the most common ailments known in both men and women. Hemorrhoids are common. In the USA, the prevalence is about 4.4%. Hemorrhoids are enlarged, painful veins in your rectum. Hemorrhoids develop from 2 different places. There...
Arthritis Facts And Information
Arthritis is a group of conditions where there is damage caused to the joints of the body. Arthritis is one of the most prevalent chronic health problems and the nation’s leading cause of disability among Americans over age 15. Arthritis is a comm...
Arthritis Pain Relief
Arthritis is a group of conditions where there is damage caused to the joints of the body. Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in people over the age of 55. Arthritis is a common condition that affects an estimated 8 million people in the U...
Reducing Your Risk for Low Back Pain
Low back pain is the most common form of physical disability. Low back pain means a pain or ache somewhere between the bottom of the ribs, at the back, and the top of the legs. The pain often begins suddenly, and may follow an obvious strain or inju...
Identifying Anorexia Nervosa Symptoms
Anorexia nervosa is eating disorder characterized by low body weight and body image distortion with an obsessive fear of gaining weight. Anorexia nervosa is a serious, often chronic, and life-threatening eating disorder defined by a refusal to maint...
What is Eczema ? - Treatment and Cure
Eczema, also referred to as atopic dermatitis, is an inflammation (reddening and swelling) of the skin which is very itchy. The severity of the disease can vary. In mild forms the skin is dry, hot and itchy, whilst in more severe forms the skin can...
Early Symptoms Of Alzheimers
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia among older people. Dementia is a brain disorder that seriously affects a person's ability to carry out daily activities. Approximately 24 million people worldwide are living with Alzheime...
Obsessive - Compulsive Disorder Facts
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a psychiatric disorder most commonly characterized by a subject's obsessive, distressing, intrusive thoughts and related compulsions which attempt to neutralize the obsessions. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OC...