Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder Causes Symptoms Information with Treat
Obsessive compulsive personality disorder, like many other mental illnesses, is linked to genetics and is caused by an imbalance in the person's brain chemistry. This perfectionism may interfere with the person's ability to complete a given task, be...
Niemann Pick Disease Causes Symptoms Information with Treatment
Niemann-Pick disease Types C and D may appear early in life or develop in the teen or adult years. Niemann-Pick. Incidence of Niemann-Pick disease, type C is estimated to be 1 in 150,000 people. Type C occurs when the body can not properly break dow...
Neurasthenia Causes Symptoms Information with Treatment
Neurasthenia with the stresses of urbanization and the pressures placed on the intellectual class by the increasingly competitive business environment. Typically, it was associated with upper class individuals in sedentary employment. Certain predis...
Narcissistic Personality Disorder Causes Symptoms Information with Treatment
Narcissistic personality disorder may be an infantile, defensive personality structure in response to abuse and trauma, usually developing in early childhood or early adolescence. Childhood developmental factors and parenting behaviors that may cont...
Myeloma Causes Symptoms Information with Treatment
The blood contains several different types of cells, each with an important job in the body. The originator of all blood cells is an immature cell known as the stem cell. The ultimate effect of this "malignant" upheaval is erosion and organ dysfunc...
Munchausen Syndrome Causes Symptoms Information with Treatment
Munchausen Syndrome is distinct from hypochondria in that the patient is aware that he is exaggerating, while sufferers of hypochondria actually believe they have a disease. Munchausen Syndrome is currently a topic of intense interest. People with t...
Multi Infarct Dementia Causes Symptoms Information with Treatment
Multi-infarct dementia is often the result of a series of small strokes. Most common cause of vascular dementia is the blockage of small arteries supplying areas of the brain. In classical stroke, large blood vessels are blocked, resulting in the de...
Leukemia Causes Symptoms Information with Treatment
Leukemia is a bone marrow disorder that arises when one abnormal white blood cell begins to continuously replicate itself. Leukemia, which literally means "white blood" in Greek, occurs when there is an excess of abnormal white blood cells in the bl...
Meniere's Disease Causes Symptoms Information with Treatment
Meniere's disease is a condition characterized by sudden, sometimes severe attacks of vertigo, which is the sudden and unsteady sensation that you or your surroundings are moving or spinning. A Ménière's episode generally involves severe vertigo (...