Laryngitis Causes Symptoms Information with Treatment
The larynx, or -gitis is often due to persistent acute laryngitis and commonly affects smokers. Because cancer of the larynx may cause hoarseness, a person whose symptoms persist more than a few weeks should be evaluated for cancer (see Nose and Thr...
Kleptomania Causes Symptoms Information with Treatment
Kleptomania is distinguished from shoplifting or ordinary theft , as shoplifters and thieves generally steal for monetary value, or associated gains and usually display intent or premeditation, while people with kleptomania aren't necessarily contem...
Kidney Cancer Causes Symptoms Information with Treatment
Most cancers are named after the part of the body where the cancer first begins, and kidney cancer is no exception. As kidney cancer grows, it may invade organs near the kidney. Kidney cancer begins in the kidneys two large, bean-shaped organs one l...
Intermittant Explosive Disorder Causes Symptoms Information with Treatment
There may also be a genetic component, causing the disorder to be passed down from parents to children. It is probably more common than realized and may be an important cause of violent behavior. Intermittent explosive disorder is more common in men...
Pityriasis Alba Causes Symptoms Information with Treatment
Pityriasis is a group of skin disorders in which a scaly rash is usually present. Pityriasis Alba is a skin infection usually affects children and young adults and is characterized by hypopigmented, round to oval, scaling patches on the face, upper...
Hysteria Causes Symptoms Information with Treatment
Hysteria is commonly assumed that Hippocrates, the father of medicine. Hysteria may be a defense mechanism to avoid painful emotions by unconsciously transferring this distress to the body. There may be a symbolic function for this, for example a ra...
Hypochondriasis Causes Symptoms Information with Treatment
Hypochondriasis is usually episodic, with hypochondriacal periods lasting from months to years and with equally long quiescent periods. Hypochondriasis appears to occur equally in men and women. Hypochondriasis manifests in various ways. Some people...
Hyperthyroidism Causes Symptoms Information with Treatment
Hyperthyroidism is a medical condition in which the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone (called T3 and T4). It controls your metabolism , which is how your body turns food into energy. Hyperthyroidism can significantly accelerate your bo...
Hypersomnia Causes Symptoms Information with Treatment
Some patients have recurrent episodes of hypersomnia, which often is associated with compulsive overeating and hypersexuality. This presentation is termed Kleine-Levin syndrome, or KLS. The periods of hypersomnia occur for days to weeks at a time bu...