- Altace - What You Should Know About Altace
- Altace is a well-known prescription drug regularly advised by doctors as an answer to the problems of hypertension, or as it is better known, high blood pressure. However it is important that before beginning a course of treatment we get as much inf...
- Medical Tourism Tips: What a Medical Tourist Should Know and Do
- It's easy to hop on a plane and catch the next flight to your surgical destination. But before you do so, there are a number of things you should know and do to make your medical tourism trip safe and successful. Here is a list that will assist you...
- Empowering Children to Overcome Phobia
- It is normal for children to sense fear about certain events or circumstances like being in a school play, passing a growling dog, or sleeping in the dark. But more often than not, these fears are exaggerated and even irrational. Some children can d...
- A Simple Act of Hand Washing Can Go a Long, Long Way!
- Hand washing has become a part of our culture. Hand washing and other hygienic practices are taught at every level of school, advocated in the work place, and emphasized during medical training. According to the United States Centers of Disease Cont...
- Plendil - What You Need To Know
- If you’re suffering from high blood pressure problems, there is a good likelihood that at some point your doctor will prescribe the drug Plendil. There would seem to be many success stories about its effectiveness, which is all fine and good but i...
- Scope of Travel Nursing as a Career
- Healthcare is one of the tremendously growing professions throughout the world. So as the demand of nurses increases to benefit a large part of population to overcome many medical problems and dealing with proper healthcare issues. Being the best fr...
- Fearfighter: Video Game To Fight Phobias
- The video game industry, despite all of the enemies that it has made among politicians eager for a quick vote and moralists who get outraged at every little thing, thrives. Certainly, gamers around the world are part of this continued survival, but...
- Coping With Sleep Bruxism
- About eight to 10 percent of the adult population have a secret malady called sleep bruxism, a sleep disorder characterized by the grinding or clenching of teeth. Some people do it unconsciously even when they are awake. Stress usually has something...
- A B C of cancer
- Cancer is multifaceted with over 100 kinds of cancer. Cancer occurs in any organ in the human body, starting from the brain to toe. Cancer is the abnormal and uncontrolled growth of the cells that results in illness of our body. These cells are basi...