- Joint Pain
- Joints are the areas where two or more bones meet. Most joints are mobile, allowing the bones to move. Joints consist of the following: Cartilage - at the joint, the bones are covered with cartilage (a connective tissue), which is made up of cells a...
- Whiteheads Diagnosis and Treatment
- Blackheads and whiteheads, known as comedones, can be more numerous on the face and shoulders than red bumps filled with pus. Whiteheads are a combination of oils, sebum and cellular fragments that produce firm to hard plugs within hair follicles. W...
- Warts Diagnosis and Treatment
- Warts are growths on your skin caused by an infection with human papilloma virus. They are generally harmless. Warts are usually painless with the irregular of the warts on the soles of the feet. There are more than 100 types of HPV viruses. Warts c...
- Wrinkles Diagnosis and Treatment
- Wrinkles are creases in the skin. Wrinkles are the thin, creased, and sagging skin that is especially noticeable on the face, neck, and hands. Wrinkles develop as we get older because natural substances such as collagen , elastin and hyaluronic acid...
- Rosacea Diagnosis and Treatment
- Rosacea is a common inflammatory condition of the skin of the face that causes redness that looks like a flush or blush. Rosacea most often affects those aged 30 to 60, especially those with fair skin, blue eyes and of Celtic origin. With over 13 mi...
- Sunburns Diagnosis and Treatment
- Sunburn results from too much sun or sun-equivalent exposure. Exposure of the skin to lesser amounts of UV will often produce a suntan. Sunburns destroy skin, which controls the amount of heat our bodies retain or release, holds in fluids, and prote...
- Melasma Diagnosis and Treatment
- Melasma, also known as cholasma. Melasma is particularly common in women, especially pregnant women. Women are affected in 90% of cases. It is commonly affecting the apples of the cheeks, the mid forehead, jawline and areas around the mouth. The cau...
- Boils Diagnosis and Treatment
- Boil, also referred to as a skin abscess and furuncles, is a localized infection deep in the skin. Boils usually start as red, tender lumps. The lumps quickly fill with pus, growing larger and more painful until they rupture and drain. Most people w...
- Lentigo Diagnosis and Treatment
- Lentigo is a type of brown skin lesion. In general terms these are often referred to as liver spots or age spots. Liver spots are flat brown-black spots that usually occur in sun-exposed areas of the body. Liver spots also known as age spots. Age sp...