- Plant, Food and Mineral Therapies-Herbalism
- Therapies involving plants, foods, and nutritional elements are some of the oldest and perhaps easiest to understand of all the therapies available to us. Over the last decades, we in the West have been encouraged to believe in "a pill for all ills,...
- Nutritional Therapy Information
- Nutrients are the chemical components of diet and are essential to life and health. Nutrients are classed as either macronutrients or micronutrients: macronutrients are carbohydrates (sugars and starches), fats (including essential fatty acids), pro...
- How a Herbal Therapist Works
- Most herbal therapists (sometimes called herbalists- but not all herbalists treat clients medically) believe that the body acts in unison with the psyche (spirit) and emotions to maintain the equilibrium necessary for overall health and well-being....
- Herbal Medicine in China and Japan
- In China, natural substances have been used medicinally for thousands of years, and their application is encouraged by the present Chinese government. Traditional Chinese Medicine, including herbalism, began to be imported into Japan from about the...
- Feldenkrais Information
- Moshe Feldenkrais, who died aged 80 in 1984, was an engineer and physicist who worked on France's early atomic research program and on the British antisubmarine project during World War II. But it was the martial arts, and the body mechanics involve...
- Cranial Osteopathy
- Cranial osteopathy is a specialist technique used to manipulate the bones of the skull with a touch so light that many people can barely feel it. Advocates claim it is based on sound anatomical and physiological knowledge combined with palpatory ski...
- Flower and Tree Remedies
- Remedies from flowers and trees are subtle" elixirs" that claim to be able to help to rekindle a feeling of mental and emotional, as well as physical, well-being. Some aim to bring relief from unsettling moods and emotions such as anxiety, fear, gui...
- Chi Kung Information
- An ancient Chinese system for the development of internal energy, chi kung or qi gung (pronounced "chee goong") is, like t'ai chi based on the principles of the Taoist religion as extended to Oriental medicine. Unlike yoga, chi kung puts less emphas...
- Flower Remedies - How Flower Remedies Work
- Flower remedies are made by floating the freshly picked blooms in bowls of spring water and leaving them in sunlight on a cloudless day. In this way, the water is "potentized" by the essence of the nower, which is believed to have entered the liquid...