- Chinese Herbalism and Chinese Herbal Medicine
- The Chinese herbal tradition is believed to date back some 4,000 years to the Emperor Shen Nong (or Chien Nung). He is said to have described over: 300 medicinal plants and their uses in a book called the Pen Tsao. Although versions of several ancie...
- How do travel nurses find assignment?
- The demand for travel nurses has been rapidly with the times. As a result, hospitals are constantly hiring travel nurses to fill the various positions created by the increased demand. This situation further established travel nursing as a possible c...
- Live a physically active life with Nandrolone decanoate
- With changing lifestyles and the involvement of uncertain eating and sleeping habits, human beings are facing various physical problems. Despite minor physical abnormalities, these physical problems also include major health hazards like kidney fail...
- Estriol can cause much damage if not controlled in time
- The human body is a wonderful creation by the Supreme Being and it has a unique way of functioning. The various body parts, nervous system, bone structure and body fluids work in perfect harmony to make a person function normally. Hormones are one s...
- Reasons to consider travel nursing
- In the past few years in America, nursing shortage has become a major problem in medical facilities throughout the country. The situation is also seen as a major crisis in the health care profession. Though, nurses and physicians are treated with re...
- Environmental Therapies - Clinical Ecology
- The Belief that our environment can affect our health is not new. Hippocrates, the ancient Greek father of modern medicine (today's physicians still respect the Hippocratic Oath even if they no longer take it), recorded the beneficial and harmful ef...
- Acupuncture at Work
- All Chinese medicine is a way of keeping people healthy as much as it is a treatment to cure disease. It is often quoted that in Chinese medicine the patient pays the doctor only so long as he or she is well. The doctor would regularly check the pat...
- Auricular Therapy
- Also known as ‘Hopi Ear Candling’, is a pleasant and relaxing therapy to ease away the stresses of our Western culture. Acupuncture points on the external ear can be used to treat disease, relieve pain, and promote anesthesia. The technique is o...
- Traditional Arabic Herbal Medicine
- Traditional Arabic or Islamic medicine became known in India, where it is widely practiced, as Unani-Tibb. "Tibb" is an Arabic word meaning "medicine," while "Unani" is thought to be derived from "Ionian" (meaning Greek) - acknowledging the influenc...