- Reiki Healing Health Benefits
- Reiki is the Japanese word for "universal life energy" and pronounced "ray-kee." It is a form of healing based on tapping into the unseen flow of energy that permeates all living things. It is believed that reiki originally evolved as a branch of Ti...
- Aphthous Ulcer Treatment Tips
- Aphthous ulcers (aphthae, or canker sores) are ulcers that form on the mucous membranes of the mouth or genitals. A canker sore is a painful, open sore in the mouth, which is white or yellow and surrounded by a bright red area. Canker sores are comm...
- What is Radionics
- Radionics is a means of healing at a distance using special radionic instruments. It originated in the 1920s when an American neurologist, Albert Abrams, invented a "black box" (with no electronic circuitry) that he claimed could pick up a person's...
- Morton's Neuroma Treatment Tips
- Morton neuroma, or interdigital neuroma, is a common condition that involves enlargement of the interdigital nerve of the foot. It is associated with pain, swelling and/or an inflammation of a nerve, usually at the ball-of-the-foot between the 3rd a...
- Mastocytosis Treatment Tips
- Mastocytosis is a disorder characterized by mast cell proliferation and accumulation within various organs, most commonly the skin. Mast cells are located in connective tissue, including the skin, the linings of the stomach and intestine, and other...
- Lymphomatoid Papulosis Treatment Tips
- Lymphomatoid papulosis (LyP) is a stubborn persistent rash that usually occurs on the chest, stomach, back, arms and legs. The disease is characterized by recurrent crops of pruritic papules at different stages of development that predominantly aris...
- Infection and Immunity
- Infection leading to disease is caused by three main groups or types of organism: fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Unlike bacterial and fungal infections, which remain largely local, viral infections can affect a number of body systems at once. Treatme...
- Geopathic Therapy
- The earth's magnetic field generates powerful unseen energy forces that have been recognized for thousands of years. These earth energies were probably easier to detect in the preindustrial age, and it is thought that ancient cultures sited their st...
- Homeopathy - How Homeopathy Works
- Homeopaths prescribe remedies for the "whole" person, and the practice of homeopathy is still based on the three principles established by Dr. Hahnemann. This is the "law of similars," the principle of the minimum dose and prescribing for the indivi...