Keratosis Pilaris Treatment Tips
Keratosis pilaris is a skin condition commonly seen on the upper arms, buttocks and thighs. It is a very common benign, condition that manifests as folliculocentric keratotic papules in characteristic areas of the body. KP affects an estimated 40 to...
Keloid Treatment Tips
Keloids are an overgrowth of scar tissue at the site of a healed skin injury. Keloids are firm, rubbery lesions or shiny, fibrous nodules and can vary from pink to flesh-colored or red to dark brown in color. They are fairly common in young women an...
Ichthyosis Treatment Tips
Ichthyosis is a rare genetic skin disorder. Ichthyosis refers to a relatively uncommon and characterized by the presence of excessive amounts of dry surface scales. Ichthyosis is characterised by persistently dry, thickened, rough, fish scale skin....
Grover's Disease Treatment Tips
Grover's Disease is also known as transient acantholytic dermatosis. Grover's disease is a skin condition affecting the chest and back. Grover's disease (transient acantholytic dermatosis) is appears suddenly as itchy red spots on the body, most oft...
Intertrigo Treatment Tips
Intertrigo is a yeast infection of skin folds caused by Candida albicans. Intertrigo is facilitated by moisture trapped in deep skinfolds where air circulation is limited. An intertrigo usually develops from the chafing of warm, moist skin in the ar...
Impetigo Treatment Tips
Impetigo is a common type of skin infection. It is generally caused by one of two bacteria: group A streptococcus or staphylococcus aureus. Impetigo usually touchs preschool and school-age children. It is most commonly found children age 2–6 years...
Herpes Zoster Treatment Tips
Herpes zoster also known as shingles, is the reactivation of varicella zoster virus, or VZV. It is a same virus that causes chickenpox. Herpes zoster manifests as a vesicular rash, usually in a single dermatome. Development of the rash may be preced...
Heat Rash Treatment Tips
Heat Rash is a very itchy red skin rash, causing a prickling or burning feeling. Heat Rash is a common ailment in hot and humid conditions, such as in the tropics and during the summer season. Although it affects people of all ages, it is especially...
Seborrheic dermatitis Treatment and Prevetion Tips
Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp is known as cradle cap. Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory disorder affecting areas of the head and trunk where sebaceous glands are most prominent. Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition aff...