Skin Care
- Is Cellulite Driving You Crazy?
- Contrary to popular belief (and media), cellulite is actually the norm, not the exception. Skin that has cellulite is dimpled or bumpy in appearance and usually appears on buttock, hips, and thighs; it occurs more often in women than men which makes...
- Eat Away Oily Skin
- There are many people out there who have oily skin. Oily skin can be a nuisance and it can also be embarrassing when its results become translated through acne and increased shine. Interestingly, there are things that you can change that go into you...
- Products That Really Soak Up Oil?
- You have oily skin, right? You already know that it is no fun. Just like dry skin, oily skin is on the other end of the facial extreme and can be just as troublesome to get rid of. With your hormones going through some kind of hiccupping phase or si...
- Blotting Out Oil
- Over and over you have to deal with the extra sebum (technical term for the oil your sebaceous glands produce) spreading over your face. No one likes looking, or feeling, like an oil slick. However, you have many, many ways and options open to you t...
- Sweating And Oily Skin
- In most cases of oily skin, you will only find that your face is only while the rest of the skin on your body stays fairly normal. It is the sebaceous glands that produce more oil than necessary, and this usually occurs on your face, much to the cha...
- Kick Oily Skin To The Curb With Some Natural Methods
- So many products made for oily skin on the market these days tend to contain, or claim they contain, organic ingredients. A little shea butter here, a sprinkle of lavender there. But what do you do when you run out of your favorite product and need...
- Will My Oily Skin Ever Go Away?
- The big question people with oily skin, or any type of skin problem, will always want to know is: Will it ever go away? Oily skin, the result of overactive sebaceous glands (thus producing too much oil, or sebum), will always vary from person to per...
- Oily Skin: Natural Tanning Oil?
- You may be doing what you can to put a stop to oily skin; exfoliating, cleansing, the whole nine yards. Yet your oil glands still produce too much sebum and all that oil can occasionally drive you bonkers. However, there are some good sides to havin...
- Which is Better? Oily or Dry?
- After dealing with oily skin for so long and constantly hearing about its problems and ways to remedy them, you may have never asked the question on whether or not there were any benefits of having oily skin. After all, how could there be, what with...