Skin Care
Dry Skin Vocabulary
Having dry skin means you will often find yourself in search of the right products to help put your face back in the land of the soft and supple. As a result of either your natural skin type, cosmetics, or the outside elements (sun, wind, cold, or e...
Reading Between the Lines of Dry Skin
For the most part, dry skin seems pretty self explanatory. People suffer from dry skin all the time, either chronically from psoriasis or eczema, because of harsh changes in weather changes, or simply because the climate they live in does not suppor...
Dry Skin: Fighting Back
Dry skin can be horribly annoying. Having dry skin on your face looks unpleasant and the dry flakes can mix with the few oils in your skin or your cosmetics and lead to clogged pores. Dry skin on arms and legs can become irritating and itchy, especi...
The Goods on Exfoliating Dry Skin
You have to do a lot in order to keep your skin from becoming dried out. Tough weather conditions can make it seem like you need to redouble your efforts just to get decent results. Even with all the work you do, you may still have a few questions a...
How To Treat Dry Skin
A very high proportion of the world population deals with dry skin on a daily basis. The itchy, flaky patches are not only irritating, but they are the forerunners to a myriad of lines and wrinkles in later life that we would all much rather avoid....
Easy Ways To Soothe Dry Skin
We all suffer from dry skin sometimes. Itchy calloused feet, red patches on your face, white flakes on your legs, dry skin can attack any part of your body and sometimes it is difficult to tell that damage is being done until it is too late. Harsh s...
Should You Ever Seek Medical Advice For Dry Skin?
Dry skin can be itchy and irritating and it can be an absolute nightmare to get rid of! Most of the time it can be treated, however is there ever a time when you should worry about the condition and seek medical advice? Dry Skin and the Symptoms Whi...
Could Your Lifestyle Be Affecting Your Dry Skin?
Dry Skin can be potentially serious if left untreated. It can become itchy, flaky and damn right annoying! So how would you feel if your lifestyle was actually contributing towards the condition? What if you knew that what you do in your everyday li...
Which Products Really Work With Dry Skin?
Looking after your skin can be a hard task, but if you can manage to look after it, in turn it can help to make you look and feel a lot better. As with everything in life, there are things that are out there which can destroy the skin. Dry skin is a...