Skin Care
- The Main Differences Between Deodorant and Antiperspirant Deodorant
- Sweat is a natural occurrence and it happens to every single person in the world. However, each person sweats different amounts each and every day, and the activities we participate in, help to determine exactly how much we will sweat. For example,...
- Do You Know These Things About Deodorant and Sweat?
- Are you one of the millions of people around the world who swipes deodorant on each day before you leave the house? Did you know that deodorant only helps control odor producing bacteria and works best in fairly dry conditions? The bacteria that cau...
- Sun Vs Skin, Round 1
- The sun and your skin do not always have to be at odds with each other. In fact, they can live together in relative harmony, provided you give your skin a little protection before letting the sun shine down on it. The sun has benefits as well as set...
- Getting That Sexy Tan
- Every decade has a fad, or usually, multiple fads, that everyone decides is a great idea and must do. In recent years, suddenly tanning became that fad, and the general population decided to be tan was to be healthy. Lying out in the sun, oiling up...
- Free Radicals - Invisible Destructors
- What the heck are free radicals and just what do they have to do with your skin? You may have heard about free radicals from a cosmetics sales clerk or on a television commercial and written them off as complete rubbish. After all, hearing all this...
- Discovering Beauty Under A Mask
- Dry skin, oily skin, aging skin; if you have a skin issue, chances are you have a skin care routine you follow to help get your skin back on track. Even if you do not have many skin problems, you should have a skin care routine in order to help keep...
- The Sunny Side Of Sunscreen
- You cannot go anywhere these days without hearing about it. Sunscreen; put some on! With the threat of skin cancer forever looming in the rays of the sun, sunscreen has become a staple of a good skin care regimen. Along with keeping your skin dirt f...
- Peeling Your Way To A Younger You
- Years of sun damage, elemental damage, and simple aging can wreck havoc on your skin. You look in the mirror and you can see it all in your face. The fine lines, forming wrinkles, discolored areas, skin that just looks a little less healthy than it...
- Creating a Great Foundation with Your Foundation
- Many people consider foundation just another element of makeup and nothing more. They consider foundation the reason your pores become clogged, your face becomes dry or oily, and in general, foundation just adds another unnecessary layer of gunk to...