Skin Care
- Do You Suffer From Eczema or Nummular Eczema?
- Nummular eczema or nummular dermatitis is a chronic, itchy rash which appears in coin shaped patches on the skin. It gets its name from the Latin word for coin, nummular. The patches are a solid red in early stages, but progress and in later stages...
- Latest Studies Give A New Hope To Eczema Suffers
- Eczema is a disease of the skin (your natural barrier between the inner body and the environment); it reacts to outside stimuli through irritation and inflammation. Due to this concept, researchers at the National Institutes of Health have a new ins...
- Amazing New Relief For Eczema Patients
- An evolution of the cold compress, wet wraps are a new way to help alleviate the inflammation, itching, and pain associated with eczema. Studies have shown that skin is hydrated and calmed through wet wrap therapy and children with severe atopic der...
- Is Eczema Stopping Your Child From Having Fun?
- Whether your physician says that your child has eczema or Atopic Dermatitis, you will need to know more. It is important for you to know and understand the disease, its symptoms, causes, treatments, and what can be done at home. It is important to k...
- Do You Know The Symptoms Of Eczema Infection?
- During flare ups of Atopic Dermatitis (AD and also the condition that most people know as eczema), common symptoms include: redness, swelling, and cracks in the skin. The last of these, cracks in the skin, are open invitations for infection in your...
- Why Does Your Body Develop Eczema?
- In order to understand eczema, you have to understand your skin. The skin is a protective covering over the entire body; it is the largest organ you have and the most exposed as well. This combination of expanse and exposure give your skin that chan...
- Is Your Child Suffering From The Pain Of Eczema?
- You may be wondering about the safety in using current medications for eczema in your child, many parents do. Sometimes, parents choose not to medicate out of fear that the medications (usually corticosteroids) are too strong for the child, this is...
- What Does Atopic Dermatitis Have to Do with Eczema?
- Many people are affected by Atopic Dermatitis; this disease is characterized by inflamed skin and itchiness and primarily affects the face, the bend of the elbow, and the back of the knee. In worst cases, the majority of the body can be covered. The...
- Gravitational Eczema and the Ulcer It Leaves Behind
- Eczema can appear in many different forms and one of the least known forms of the condition includes Gravitational Eczema. Also known as Varicose or Stasis Eczema, Gravitational Eczema is fairly common in adults, and it affects the lower legs. Often...