Skin Care
Is Your Skin Getting These Benefits From The Sun?
To sun or not to sun, that is the question. You hear people talking about skin cancer and the incredibly harmful rays that it extends to the earth. These rays encourage growth in trees, plants, animals, and humans. How do you know what is truth? Are...
The Wonders of Cellulite Reduction Creams
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"; what may not be beautiful to one person may be very beautiful to another. Although this statement is so true, women today have the option of having a vast choice of cellulite reduction creams available on the...
Homemade beauty tips
Women in today’s generation give more priority to their external beauty. Most of the females who want to have a beautiful look they rush to beauticians that which waste their time, money and finally results in loss of natural skin shining. One can...
Psoriasis - The simple facts and the cures
What is Psoriasis: Psoriasis is a disease whose main symptom is gray colored patches on the skin which are red and inflamed underneath. In the United States, it affects 2 to 2.8 percent of the population, or between 5.8 and 7.8 million people. Commo...
Beware Dry Skin Care Products Advice: It May Not Be the Best
I recently read an article in which a dermatologist said that if you have really dry skin you have to use a really thick moisturizer. It was suggested that nothing you could buy in a bottle, rather than a jar, was thick enough. The author went on to...
Skin Care Treatment Drug Manufacturers Sued By Cancer Patients
Last week it was announced that Traci Reilly is filing suit on the manufacturers of Protopic and Elidel, the topical eczema drugs she believes caused her to develop breast cancer. Reilly will join the many others who are reported to have filed wrong...
Eczema Treatment Protects Gardeners from Dry Skin and Flares
Spring is just around the corner - warm, sunny weather, the wonderful scent of the earth coming alive and flowers blooming. Unfortunately, it also heralds the rough, dry hands that inevitably result from working in the garden and exposing our hands...
Chemical cosmetics and their side effects
Cosmetic products are those products which we generally used for taking care of our skin and hair. It includes oil, soap, shampoo, perfume, several skin creams, lotions etc. These are the products which are closely related with our life style. Most...
Should You Invest In Beauty Skin Care ?
Many consumers purchase massive quantities of beauty skin care products every year in an effort to find a few drops from the ever-elusive fountain of youth. Aging customers place their hopes of a youthful appearance in the hands of beauty skin care...