Skin Care
Skin Care Tips and Skin Basics
How did we as people get to the point where we spend billions annually on cosmetics and it became the social standard for women to wear make-up everyday Surely a lady way back in history did not just wake up one morning and make the decision to put...
Artefill - Permanent Anti Wrinkle Solution
For the first time in U.S. history, the FDA has approved a permanent cosmetic filler. Artefill was approved in late 2006 for the correction of naso-labial folds (smile lines.) Safety data shows no significant side effects and minor side effects equa...
Is Vitiligo (leucoderma) Curable?
There is a general feeling that vitiligo has no cure. It may be true for some of the treatment systems but is not true for all of them. Putting it straight, modern medical system has no treatment for it except for different lotions and creams to hid...
Rosacea (sometimes called Acne Rosacea)
Rosacea (sometimes called Acne Rosacea) Symptoms, Treatments and Helpful TipsRosacea is a skin condition that causes a persistent redness on the face, in particular on the cheeks, nose and forehead. The condition is estimated to affect 45 million pe...
Eczema Treatments for Letting Your Child Avoid Those Prickles
Eczema is skin disorder due to malfunctions in the immune system. Itchy, red skin and sores are some of the usual characteristics of eczema. This skin condition is quiet prevalent amongst the children but most of the times it cedes once a patient re...
Benzaclin: Rescuer from Teenage Acne
Teenage brings in various changes including skin care issues like acne. In fact, acne can be used as a synonym for teenage. Acne amongst teens is primarily caused due to hormonal changes, during puberty phase. During the phase of puberty, a sex horm...
The Finger in Sciences, Bible and Quran
Before dealing with the topic of the Finger in Quran versus Bible versus sciences, it is mandatory to remember that the total words in the Bible are 788,280 while the total words in the Quran are 77,473. It follows that, the Bible is more than 10 ti...
Common skin disorders and their remedies
When people look at you, the first thing they see is your skin. A healthy, glowing and even smooth skin provides a good impression. Skin is the second largest part of our body and every one of us likes to take good care of skin, which can prove a ch...
Laser Hair Removal Treatment
Laser hair removal treatment has become popular in recent years because of its no pain, no scar, quick and safe approach. Laser hair removal is a promising new treatment. Laser hair removal is appropriate for any area where there is excess hair, wit...