Skin Care
What's Good For an Abscess?
An abscess, an accumulation of pus normally caused by bacterial infection, can occur anywhere in the body. As the bacterial infection attempts to spread through the area, white blood cells come and attack the bacteria. White blood cells, the body's...
Tea Tree Oil for A Toenail Fungus Cure
Perhaps when tea tree oil was not yet very popular, people with toenail fungus had to face a future where they either had to live with their ugly festering toenails or have surgery to remove all their affected toenails altogether. But now that tea t...
Reduce Cellulite with Body Wraps
If you think that you are the only one who is dealing with that unsightly ‘mattress’ look which is also similar to an orange peel on your thighs, arms and buttocks – think again. Majority of the female population is dealing with the dreaded ce...
Foot Problems in Diabetics
Diabetes is an ailment caused by the lack of insulin production due to failure of insulin production, or the inability of insulin to function regularly in its everyday performance. Insulin is a substance which the pancreas glands process from our fo...
Fade or Erase Acne Scars with Microderm Abrasion
First things first: what is the cosmetic surgery technique known as microderm abrasion? Simply put, it is a non-invasive procedure that is used to relieve various skin problems. It can also be used to stimulate new cell production which results in m...
Treating Scalp Psoriasis
What is Scalp Psoriasis? Scalp psoriasis is a skin disease that may cause itchy patches of thick, red skin with silvery scales. It can range from mild, with only light scaling to severe, with thick, crusted scales covering the whole scalp. The large...
Antiaging Skin Care
Before we talk about antiaging skin care lets "reverse engineer" to find the most destructive elements of your skin and your body. Correct those and your on your way to beautiful flawless skin. Free Radicals No it's not a political right wing group,...
Information of Rosacea Treatment
Rosacea ROSACEA which is pronounced Ros-AY-sha, is a common skin disorder which causes redness on the cheeks and small pimples. The face is very red under this condition. This condition should be treated at the onset. The age group of 30 to 60 is se...
Natural Herbal Skin Care
Skin is the body’s mirror of our inner health and wellness, both physical and emotional. Skin plays a vital role in our life, how one looks and feels directly correlates to ones skin. A healthy lifestyle reflects on the skin so staying in good phy...