Weight Loss
Mind Over Matter: Key Strategies for Weight Loss Success
Katie, a 33-year-old mother of two, has been on her share of diets over the years. From Weight Watchers to the Zone to Sugar Busters, she feels as if she has tried them all. While she has had moderate success in losing weight from time to time, she...
Weight Gain in Adulthood ? Slowing it Down
The biggest problem we face in America today is not terrorism – it is obesity. This is according to Dr. Julie Gerberding, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in America. And it seems much of this problem is happening in a slow a...
The Secrets to Weight Loss After Pregnancy
Sarah is a pregnant mother of three who continues to breast-feed her 18-month-old. After each of her pregnancies, she has had difficulty losing weight. With all of her responsibilities, weight loss isn’t a priority. Still, she wishes that, once th...
Gene?s Diet Plan
Hot dang! If a few hundred other folks can peddle a plan to help people lose weight, there’s no reason I can’t jump on the bandwagon too! So, here’s my plan. All you need to do is send me a certified check for $495.94 and I’ll let you in on...
How to Lose Weight with an Exercise Bike Program
Your pants are a bit tight, you can't seem to stop eating junk, and you're tired all of the time. It's time to get healthy and lose weight. Combined with a more sensible diet, an exercise bike can help you achieve the results you want. Ugh, the Diet...
Metabolism for the Fit Individual
Metabolism for The Fit Individual The dictionary defines metabolism as the sum of all biochemical processes involved in life, or the sustaining of life. In application concerning our health, metabolism is related to the intake and use of food. In re...
Understanding obesity - how to reduce weight
THE CAUSES OF EXCESSIVE WEIGHT If you eat more nutrients containing energy than you need for your daily activities, for the internal processes of your body, and for the burning process that maintains the body temperature, the excessive nutrients can...
Take Your Sauna With You!
The health benefits of saunas have been well documented. They improve circulation, keep the skin soft and supple, and promote relaxation: all key to a healthy lifestyle. Are there any drawbacks? Yes -- they aren’t accessible enough! Until recently...
Hoodia, it might be flying off store shelves but is this diet pill safe
Hoodia is fast becoming one of the best sellers in nutritional stores but you have to ask yourself; what do you really know about this new African weight loss product? If you ask some dieters they liken their experience of taking Hoodia to finding w...