Weight Loss
- Teen weight loss: Safe steps to a healthy weight loss
- If you are a teenager with weight problems, it's important to stay cool and avoid ineffective or unhealthy ways to lose weight. During your teenage years, your body develops in many different ways - not all visible - and good health is essential to...
- Stop Binge Eating | Weight Loss
- If you are eating because you are bored, stressed, or depressed you are binge eating. Why should I stop binge eating? Well it can and will lead to weight gain overtime. A binge can last for as little as a few hours to days, even weeks at a time. If...
- Weight Loss: Tips to Help You Stop Overeating
- Are you ready to break the habit of over eating? Many people suffer from mindless eating and as an result gain unwanted weight. If you want to live a healthy lifestyle, you have to find the balance between eating when you are hungry and stopping whe...
- Weight Loss - Get Healthy by lossing weight
- How many times have you heard that a healthy lifestyle and weight loss go together that it gets sickening already? Unfortunately, you are never going to hear the end of it because even experts and studies have proven that a healthy lifestyle and wei...
- Eat Right for Lossing Weight
- You gained weight because you didn’t eat the right things, right? No wait – maybe it was because you skipped that Pilates class on Sunday. What if you have done everything right and you still can’t lose? What if we said the harmful pesticides...
- Back Fat: How To Firm Up To Get a More Beautiful Back
- You may be hitting the gym every day in the hope of acquiring a slimmer body as well as those 6 pack abs. However, are your exercises really worthwhile? You may be losing weight no doubt, but if possible, take a look at your back, and see if you hav...
- Bad Breath, Oral Health and Weight Loss
- We dieters out there get so engrossed in the fight or struggle to lose weight at all cost. But one thing and perhaps the last thing some of us never envisaged might happen to us doing this process of losing weight is developing a “BAD BREATH” Ye...
- Reduce Body Fat - Weight Loss, Fat Burners
- If you are a person who needs help to reduce body fat then this article is a must read for you. You will discover some very effective tips to get rid of your body fat. Unless diets (95% don’t work) and fat loss pills where the results are only tem...
- Weight Loss and Carbohydrate Addicts Diet
- Many people have trouble understanding how their comfort foods – the breads, pastas, cookies and cakes, are contributing to their weight problem. It makes sense to people to decrease the fat in their diet in order to lose fat (which, surprisingly,...