Weight Loss
- Weight Loss Surgery: Are You A Candidate?
- If you're considerably overweight, you've probably considered weight loss surgery. This is especially if you've seen various celebrities positively describing their experiences in recent years. The results of weight loss surgery can be truly remarka...
- Gastric Bypass Support is Available
- Meeting and talking with other individuals who have undergone weight loss surgery is very important to the success of the weight loss surgery patient. Having this kind of surgery is traumatic no matter what kind of surgery it is. A lot of people und...
- Diet Pill Reductil: Giving an Additional Push to Weight Loss
- Long hours of exercise and enormous time spent in dieting might not prove to be beneficial for several individuals eager to lose weight. The incapability of not being able to lose weight, despite your relentless efforts can be very discouraging. If...
- Put an end to the cholesterol and the kilos in excess without medicine (Part I)
- Fundamental rules: Two types of foods have to be well known: the saturated fat and the foods rich in cholesterol . The saturated fat is your principal enemy. They relate to primarily animal fat (solid at ambient temperature) with an exclusion with t...
- Put an end to the cholesterol and the kilos in excess without medicine (Part II)
- Fish: Fish is neglected. Is this the tradition Judeo-Christian which makes that one consumed fish that Friday? Is this a problem of sometimes odor or freshness slandered? Is this the price? It is undoubtedly the meeting of these factors which explai...
- Put an end to the cholesterol and the kilos in excess without medicine (Part IV)
- Ten commands: 1. Make 3 meals per day, including one copious breakfast. 2. Consume without moderation all the fruit and vegetables. 3. Give up the pork-butchery, eggs, fat cheeses and butter. 4. Accept fish or white meats for the lunch and the dinne...
- Put an end to the cholesterol and the kilos in excess without medicine (Part III
- Is the wine your enemy? It was indeed shown that with moderate amount all the wines exert an analogue role with that of small quantities of aspirin by being opposed to the development of blood stones. A specificity of the red wines: Thanks to the sc...
- Put an end to the cholesterol and the kilos in excess without medicine (Part V)
- The eight sauces: When you choose a dish worked out starting from natural food, i.e. cooked with the grill, the vapour or water - without another preparation - it is obvious that that a sauce is essential to raise the taste of a product. I present t...
- Put an end to the cholesterol and the kilos in excess without medicine (Part VI)
- Medicine against the cholesterol is not the ransom of glory: It seems natural that a subject of around fifty at which one discovers a cholesterol excess says: my doctor will prescribe me a medicine and my problem will be solved. Very simple he! Not,...