- Acne And Birth Control Pills: An Odd Couple
- Although it is fairly well known that women may develop acne at different times during pregnancy, there is another curious fact that you may not be aware of. Did you know that birth control pills could come in handy as a treatment for acne? Strange...
- How To Deal With Acne In Middle Age
- You would think that elderly people had enough to deal with just getting older and watching the bloom of youth fade away slowly but surely. Elderly people are also routinely troubled by problems such as arthritis, blood pressure etc, risk of strokes...
- Do You Suffer From Body Acne?
- Usually, when you think of acne you automatically think of the condition affecting the face. However, for some people, acne also affects the body and it can be just as hard to get rid of as acne on the face. The only advantage to body acne is that m...
- Do You Want to Effectively Get Rid of Your Acne Scarring?
- Acne can be your worst nightmare as not only does it give you an endless array of spots, but it also often leaves scarring too. Most people suffer from acne in their teens, and for them it is one of the most horrible things which could happen to the...
- Do You Really Know the Truth About Acne Dysmorphia?
- Acne Dysmorphia is extremely rare but it can, and does occur. Linked to Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Acne Dysmorphia is a mental illness which manifests as a complete preoccupation of some kind. In psychiatric terms, it is similar to Anorexia Nervosa....
- What Has Acne Got To Do With Skin Care?
- Acne is normal so there is no cause to panic. If you are one of those lucky people who have never had a problem with your skin earlier, you will probably be quite distressed. After all this time, when you thought you had escaped it, you finally have...
- Your Acne Attitude
- Acne dragging you down? Your acne problem is more than just an acne problem. To some extent, you make it what it is by the way you react to it. In other words, no two people have the same experience with acne, even if they have the same symptoms, be...
- How To Prevent Acne
- Has your acne got you in the dumps? If you have an acne problem, it is very likely that you will succumb to depression and let it drag you down. More so, if you realize that there were steps you could have taken to prevent acne from becoming a probl...
- Do Adults Really Get Acne?
- Most people are aware that teenagers are prone to acne. We have heard a great deal about the hormonal changes that contribute to acne in adolescents. Take a look at any given group of youngsters and you can be sure that at least a few, if not all of...