- How To Cope If Your Baby Suffers From Acne
- It may not be news to you that acne is not merely a problem in teenage, or that it can affect people of any age. But did you know that acne could even affect babies? So no matter how bad your acne problem may be, imagine how much worse it must be fo...
- How You Can Avoid Acne Playing Havoc With Your Pregnancy
- You have just been given some great news and are completely blown away. You are pregnant and delighted beyond words. Now you can have the baby you have been longing for! Your mind goes into overdrive as you visualize all that you are going to do wit...
- Discover The Link Between Acne And Hormones
- Whenever you think about acne, you must admit you will at least be reminded of hormones! Hormones and acne are old friends and bosom buddies. In fact, they can hardly do without each other. Ever present danger of Acne. Acne can strike at any time in...
- How Teenagers Can Cope With Acne
- As a teenager, you are probably quite excited about the new world that is opening up to you. A world so different from the one you have known through all the years of your childhood. You may have heard about the teenage years being a fascinating tim...
- Acne, Separating Fact from Fiction
- If you suffer from acne, you sure have a problem on your hands, or rather your face, and possibly several other parts of your body. If you think you are up against a bad situation, you could not be more right. That does not sound too good, does it?...
- Acne Remedies - Ayurvedic Treatments May Help You!
- Acne is perhaps the most dreaded health problem when one is an adolescent. Due to hormonal changes related with puberty and subsequent blood impurities, yellow pus-filled growths appear on the face, which are known as pimples. When this happens, it...
- What is the impact of avian influenza in birds?
- Avian influenza, also known as bird flu is a contagious disease among birds, caused by the influenza A virus. The H5N1 subtype is considered to be the most pathogenic virus from all the subtypes of influenza A virus. This means that the disease is s...
- Tuberculosis affects not only the poor people
- Tuberculosis is a germ infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis which generally affects the lungs, but it can also affect kidneys, lymph nodes, spine, intestinal tract and brain. Scientists discovered years ago tubercles in mummified bodies, t...
- Treatments for prostate cancer
- After having found out what is prostate cancer and how it appears, it is now time to see how can this disease be treated. The next step after a person has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, is of course the treatment. Depending of the state in whi...