Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
Both non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and other conditions can cause similar symptoms. So the presence of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cannot be given from these symptoms. In this case in establishing the diagnosis of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma an important role is occ...
About the distorted reality of people with schizophrenia
It is known that people that have schizophrenia do not have perceptions of reality like a normal person, they live in a distorted world. They experience hallucinations and illusions, that is why they feel frightened, anxious, and confused. It is kno...
How to manage and keep under control diabetes type 2 Mellitus?
Diabetes type 2 Mellitus, also know as non-insulin dependent diabetes is an affection which generally installs at maturity after the age of 45. Until a few years there were not so many cases of obese children but now, as the number of obese children...
How important is treating diabetes?
Diabetes is a disease which appears when in the blood the glucose level is high for a long time. Glucose can be brought to the organism by food, it is found in honey, sugar, and certain fruits. Generally the glucose is used by the body as an energy...
How depression affects pregnant women
We all know that pregnancy along with raising a child can be the if not the happiest some of the happiest times a woman can heave. Bringing in to the world a new and most beautiful being can mean a lot to a women. Motherhood is a very special time f...
Chicken pox vaccine
Varicella, also known by many of us as chicken pox, is a disease cause by a virus. This disease, is contagious and unfortunately it affects children. You can safely say that if you have had chicken pox when you were a child, you will never suffer fr...
Acne Skin Care Treatment
If you’re suffering from acne, then your only wish will be an overnight cure. Acne is a term used for plugged pores such as blackheads and whiteheads or pimples, and even deeper lumps. These plugged pores usually occur on the face, neck, chest, ba...
What food should you eat when suffering from acid reflux?
It is a well known fact that this condition is very well related with the kind of food we eat. This is not a life threatening condition, but it can cause much discomfort and it can be very unpleasant. So if you want to improve the way you feel, take...
What is peptic ulcer?
The damage of your stomach or of the part of your digestive system which is nest after the stomach, the duodenum is called a peptic ulcer. This particular type of ulcer can have indigestion as a symptom. Another way to detect an ulcer is severe pain...