- How to deal with peptic ulcers
- In medicine, the term ulcer is used to describe the actual erosion of the mucous lining the stomach and the small intestine. They also refer to it as peptic ulcer. The big majority of peptic ulcers are found in the duodenum, which is the first porti...
- How does sore throat affect us?
- Sore throat is a very common affection among us but people do not know so many things about this disease. Sore throat refers to an inflammation of the pharynx and sometimes of the tonsils and this way it was named as pharyngitis or tonsillitis. Sore...
- Hospital care for schizophrenia patients
- With the help of well trained and experienced doctors and of course modern technology, health care in today’s hospitals has increased a lot, especially in cases like schizophrenia. With the constant and proper use of antipsychotic medicine doctors...
- General discussion in rosacea
- Rosacea is a vascular problem that affects the facial skin and eyes. This progressive disorder usually starts as a mild flush over the nose, cheeks, chin and forehead. In the early stages this problem usually comes and goes but afterwards the facial...
- Points to remember about Gall bladder treatment
- Your gall bladder is an important part of your body. Even though it is very small, the gall bladder stores bile which are then released into your intestine to help with your digestion. This bow tie- shaped organ can have its problems as well. Gallst...
- Facts about diabetes treatment
- It is known that fat makes cells more resistant to insulin, and so, overweight is the greatest risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Loosing weight is a smart thing to do, and for some people, even a little weight loss can restore blood sugar to normal....
- Bulimia nervosa-women problem
- In remission within three months of treatment can be found between 60% and 80% of patients. About 10% to 25% of patients have bulimia itself and many of these patients are women, which continue to battle disordered eating habits for years. Unfortuna...
- Appendicitis cause, risk factors and symptoms
- The appendix in adults is supposed as having no function, but in the first years of life functions as part of immune system. Appendicitis is an irritation, inflammation of the appendix that left untreated may even bring death. Causes of appendicitis...
- Using soy can be of a good help in lowering a high cholesterol level
- Until a few years the foods based on soy protein have been considered the foods for hippies and vegans but lately scientists have declared that the soy protein could be useful in lowering the level of cholesterol in blood. There were made many studi...