Tests to detect colon cancer
Colon cancer is thought to be the second most common type of cancer, after lung cancer. The presence of polyps in the colon lead to colon cancer. There are several ways to detect colon cancer, all tests done at your doctor' s office. The presence of...
Sinus infection in children
There are times when your child develops a cold, but the symptoms do not stop for a long period of time. He/ she has a cough or a runny nose that just do not go away. This is probably a sinus infection sign. Sinusitis, which is an infection of the s...
Possibilities of treating prostate cancer
In order to prevent prostate cancer scientists are trying to find abnormal genes that are related to this disease and so identify those who are at risk of developing prostate cancer. For these people special treatment will be instituted earlier in o...
Medications used in hiatus hernia
The symptoms of hiatus hernia are reduced by some lifestyle changes like: eating small frequent meals rather than fewer large meals, avoid bending over or lying down after a meal, foods like spicy food, coffee and alcohol must be avoided, no smoking...
Lupus treatment
Lupus is a medical condition for which there is no cure. Many people have tried to find a cure for lupus, but unfortunately they have not succeeded. However, there are treatments available for lupus. If you are diagnosed early in the lupus state and...
Interesting aspects of fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia feels like a severe case of the flu but it does not go away in 24 hours, 48 hours or even 48 days and every muscle in the body aches. A person who has fibromyalgia doesn't have the energy to lift the head, much less do the dishes, drive...
Homeopathic medicines in the treatment of bronchitis
Aconite is suitable only in the onset of affection, before the inflammation is localized. Aconite may even prevent a bronchitis if taken early right away when first symptoms appear: coryza, full,hard pulse, frequent sneezing, chilliness, restless sl...
Hodgkin' s disease- a lymphoma type
The cancer of your lymph system is called lymphoma. Hodgkin' s disease and non Hodgkin' s disease are the two types of lymphoma that a person might suffer from. When lymph cells change and grow in an un regular manner, they can turn into tumors, thu...
Gout- the battle between myth and facts
There has always been a battle between myths and facts when it came to gout. This battle has been fought over the cause and treatments of the gout. Some said that your gout can only be treated with medications and gout is caused mainly by your poor...