- Shoulder Exercises Using a Wooden Lifting Board
- This exercise was devised in response to many inquiries from athletes who wanted some simple substitute for the ordinary expensive lifting machines used in gymnasiums. And also something that they could do in the convenience of their homes. The answ...
- Building Up Strong and Shapely Legs
- Most persons have more developed legs than the arms since the legs are frequently exercised in a person’s daily waking routine. But the mere exercise of walking will not develop the large muscles at the front of the thighs and in the calves of the...
- An Exercise to Broaden and Strengthen Your Shoulders
- In most gymnasiums there is an excellent exercise practiced to broaden the shoulders by means of lateral tension. Standing between two upright parallel bars, the student grasps them with both hands, his arms out¬stretched at right angles to the bod...
- Enhance Your Health through Internal Cleanliness
- Internal and external cleanliness are both important. But the truth that may not be very obvious to a lot of people is that internal cleanliness is vastly more important. Most of the diseases we acquire such as headaches, skin problems and others ar...
- Beauty at your Fingertips
- For thousands of years beauty has been a common concern for women and men, in fact, in ancient Greece, newborns were killed if they was born with a birth defect or similarly “unacceptable” feature. Many Meso-American civilizations shared this po...
- Oracea: Treatment For Rosacea
- Are you dealing with Rosacea? Rosacea is a skin condition which can make it difficult for you to unmask the beauty of your skin. In simple words, Rosacea is a skin condition which is characterized by continual irritation of cheeks, nose, forehead, c...
- Making Time for Fitness
- Face it, you have children, you have work, and you have a schedule that makes you tired just to THINK about it. It seems as if there just are not enough hours in the day. So how in the world are you going to continue to workout during the all of thi...
- Sole Fitness Elliptical Trainers: Form Meets Function
- Sole Fitness touts their expertise in biomechanics and ergonomics as the driving factor that makes their treadmills and elliptical trainers stand above the competition. It's one thing to talk a good game, but how does that really come through in the...
- Retin-A: Treatment for Acne
- Acne affected skin mask the beauty of your skin. Acne can affect anyone from the age of 10-40 years. This inflammatory skin is characterized by occurrence of pustules, comedones, whiteheads, and blackheads. Some of the causes which may result in acn...