General Health
Five Dramatic Developments In The Health Care Industry
Medical science has made some shocking developments in the past twenty years. For the first time, our technology is reaching the point where we have to question our moral right to "play God". It could even turn out that medical science will revoluti...
How to Deal with Arm Tendonitis
There are people who have pain that could be from there shoulder to there wrist. Sometimes they can end up with tendonitis in forearm. They may have injured there arm picking up a heavy object or it could have happened slowly over time. What arm ten...
The One Cause of Disease
As human beings we create experiences. Think about your whole day today - wasn't it a collection of one experience after another? As creators of experiences, we make good ones happen and surprisingly, we mess things up. Every day, unconsciously, we...
The Mind Power To Think Away Pain
Pain can be mysterious, and its causes unknown. But if you could see the pain -- or, at least, your brain's reaction to it -- you might be able to master it. A study asked people in pain to control a pain-regulating region of the brain by watching a...
Your Power To Create Health
Nothing exists outside of the NOW. When you think of the past it is stored in the mind as a former now. And, when you think about the past, when do you do it? – You do it now! When the futures comes – it comes in the now. And, when you think abo...
Increases Sensual Awareness - Edible Massage Oil
Either it’s being stress, body pain, aches, toxins or any other physical problem, there is one solution to all these body problems, which is body massage. Massage not only provides relief from the problem rather it also refreshes the body and mind...
Know the Benefits of Essential Oil
Essential oil is a volatile and concentrated liquid, which is extracted from the different parts of plant such as leaves, stems, roots, wood, bark etc. Essential oil is regarded as the real essence of nature in the form of oil. It is quite possible...
A Folic Acid Overdose?
For the average healthy human there should be little to no fear of overdosing on the vitamin supplement folic acid. The daily recommended amount of folic acid is four hundred micrograms (mcg.) and those who could become pregnent, are pregnent or lac...
The Morality of Erectile Dysfunction Treatments
Sexuality and reproduction are fundamental elements in human interaction and society worldwide. Accordingly, most religions have seen a need to address the question of a "proper" role for sexuality in human interactions. Different religions have dif...