General Health
- Always Tired? You could have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- It can be difficult for any doctors to actually diagnose fatigue, this is especially true in the case of chronic fatigue syndrome. Fatigue is considered to be a symptom of something else, and not a condition in its own right. However, chronic fatigu...
- The Honey in Bible and Quran
- One of the inherited doctrines of mankind is that the Quran is quoted or borrowed from the Bible. This Dogma is established upon studies of many prejudiced intellectuals which mischief mankind. In this series of articles, I will try to explore this...
- Considering Laser Eye Surgery And Its Effects
- Someone considering laser eye surgery will need to gather lots of information before actually going through with the procedure. Laser eye surgery or as it is sometimes also referred to as Lasik eye surgery can change a persons life by allowing them...
- Itching Treatment with Herbs and Ayurvedic Remedies
- Itching is a symptom of several conditions of the skin such as eczema, scabies, ringworm, allergies, etc. When the skin is inflamed, the nerves in it become hyperactive. This increases the irritation at the region, which we try to remove by itching....
- Jetlag - Control With Ayurveda
- Jetlag is a common issue for people who fly a lot. The reason is the different time zones of the different countries. When a human body is delocalized to another time zone, it takes time to adjust to the new routine. Most importantly, the sleeping t...
- Alternative Medicine, Home Remedies for Mouth Ulcers Relief
- The open sores which appear in the mouth are called as mouth ulcers. They are white or yellow in color, and are generally accompanied with a sharp pain, which is felt most when the person is eating. The pain is quite acute when salty or spicy food p...
- Liver Care - Dietary And Ayurvedic Treatment, Home Remedies
- The liver is the master organ of the body, and most people consider the liver to be more important in the normal functioning of the body than even the brain and the heart. If there is any damage to the liver, then there could be serious complication...
- Liver Enlargement - Dietary and Ayurvedic Treatment, Home Remedies
- The liver is an extremely important organ as it is the seat of the five digestive fires of the human body and also the converter of plasma into blood. So, from an Ayurvedic point of view, the liver is the master controller of the entire body. Howeve...
- The Myth of Cialis Soft Tabs
- Everyone is aware of the abundance of generic Viagra available online for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Every day mailboxes across the globe are filled with offers on brands such as Kamagra, Viogra etc. While people have become weary of gen...