General Health
- Fasting Your Way to Better Health and Fitness
- When I was younger, I used to sing a great deal in public and earn from it. A bad cold, therefore, meant harmed voice, equals no income. In those days, I believed a great deal in the curative powers of medicines and so every time a cold attacks, I d...
- How to Treat Head Lice In Children
- The tiny parasites that reside on our scalps and lead to a great deal of itchiness are called head lice. They live on the blood they manage to suck from our heads. It is due to this that head lice that are without human hosts do not live long. A fem...
- Air Ambulances: Making a Life or Death Decision
- There are so many important factors to take into consideration when a company is evaluating their needs for an air ambulance. The air ambulance is a life saving measure that can mean the difference between life and death in many situations. Some of...
- Wockhardt Hospitals, India - Fast Becoming A Preferred Destination for US Medica
- A fall down a hill in Palo Duro Canyon on the last day of her vacation began a journey for a Fairfield woman that would take her and her husband through almost a year of doctor visits and Internet research, and would end in a hospital in India where...
- Selenium Supplements and The Consumer
- Selenium is a micronutrient in the human diet but how easy is it to obtain in adequate amounts from the average diet? If a selenium supplement is necessary which one is best to buy? Selenium is a mineral which is absorbed from the soil where crops a...
- Health Benefits of Vitamin E
- Vitamin E is a fat soluble antioxidant that the body uses to snatch up free radicals. It is also used in the body to regulate cell metabolism, protect Vitamin C from oxidizing, acts at an anti clotting agent, and aids in the production of red blood...
- Potential Downside to Insurance Company Sponsored Wellness Programs
- Potential Downside to Insurance Company Sponsored Wellness Programs Employers struggling with the ever-increasing costs for healthcare are wisely turning to worksite wellness programs in search of a solution. For convenience, many employers are look...
- Chicago Lasik Eye Surgery- The Debate Goes On
- Chicago Lasik eye surgery doctors have been in a heated debate as to which is safer. Is Lasik safer or are contacts safer? Contact lenses are basically eyeglasses without the frames. They are artificial lenses placed daily in the eye to improve visi...
- American Doc bids good-bye to long-standing hip pain at Wockhardt Hospitals: Med
- “It all started about thirty years ago when I fell down while playing Basketball and over the years it just started to build up and all my joints started to pain and my right hip got worse,” says Dr. Allen. About 10 years ago the pain went up ju...