General Health
- Provillus: Is it Worth the Time and Money Investment?
- Hair loss both in cases of male and female can be a psychological trauma. It does not let an individual stay on course with the society. The main reason why, majority of the male patients experiences hair loss are, due to conversion of testosterone...
- Contact Lenses Information for Beginners
- Contact lenses are tiny visual devices made with curving pieces of plastic shaped in a manner to adapt immediately to the wearer’s heart. They offer an artificial refracting surface to the human heart and are used to rectify imagination problems l...
- Massage Tables
- THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR THE HUMAN TOUCH For those who have already discovered it, massage is just about the nicest thing on the planet. Better than chocolate, better than …pizza. It's a great way to feel better, look better, treat people better...
- Blood Pressure Support - Diastolic or Systolic, which is the greater risk?
- It's the pressure inside the arteries. The top number (systolic) is the pressure exerted against the arteries during the contraction phase of the heartbeat. The bottom number is the (diastolic) that's the pressure exerted between contractions, when...
- A tiny investment that will save your skin!
- When we think about the importance of water, most of us think only about our drinking water. It's true that quality drinking water is a very important component to our well being. However, what about those steamy hot showers some of us like to take?...
- The Problems Of High Blood Pressure And Sex
- Most people who are suffering from high blood pressure experience little if any symptoms at all, but the effect which this condition can have on your sex life if often significant and signs of sexual difficulty can sound a warning bell. The effect o...
- Tea: Are Black Tea's Anti-oxidants as Effective as Green Tea's?
- In recent years, scientists have been discovering the benefits of drinking tea. Tea’s anti-oxidants have become the source of much discussion for their ability to prevent disease and slow the aging process. We’ve learned that tea drinking can be...
- Yoga Techniques for Taking the Stress Out Of Vacations
- Yoga techniques act as a stress reliever. Yoga techniques help to reduce the stress that rises from our daily activities. Even during vacations people are getting attacked with the outside stressful factors, which can damage a very good vacation per...
- How You Can Get Rid of Hemorrhoids
- Constipation is generally the cause of hemorrhoids. If you have infrequently bowel movements or have to strain to have them, then this sets up the conditions to create hemorrhoids. When you strain to have a bowel movement, you cause blood to congest...