General Health
- Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Depression
- Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Chronic or Treatment-Resistant Depression About Vagus Nerve Stimulation(VNS) VNS is not brain surgery, although it is a treatment that affects the function of the brain. Vagus Nerve Stimulation uses specific stimulation o...
- A Brief History of Heroin in America
- In the late 1800s, opium was a popular, commonly available drug. Drug users frequented opium dens which dotted the ‘Wild West’ region of America. It was smuggled in and sold by Chinese immigrants who came here to work on the railroads. There is...
- At Last! Good News For Gout Sufferers!
- Gout, an arthritis affliction with its roots in antiquity, has not always been easy to treat. The traditional medicines employed for gout have been non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), colchicines, probenicid (Benemid), and allopurinol (Z...
- Alcohol and Substance Abuse Will Not Take Away Your Fears
- It is not easy to deal with our fears and anxieties however trying to avoid them through Alcohol or other substances will not work. Avoiding your fears and anxieties will not make them go away. Your fears and anxieties will always be there. The best...
- Bacteria and Food-borne Diseases
- Types of Bacteria Bacteria are all around us, in the air, water, ground, on our skin and in our bodies. They are classified in a variety of ways, but for our purpose we can categorize them in a more basic way. Harmless bacteria – Most bacteria fal...
- Diseases of the Colon Caused by Constipation and Past Emotional Trauma
- It was estimated that of all the people who died of cancer – colon, lung, prostate, and breast - in 1999 sixteen percent were attributed to colon cancer. But, how many of these other cancers originated in your colon? We do know that colon cancer i...
- Doc, My Mouth is So Dry All the Time, What Could Be the Problem?
- Sjogren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disorder – a disorder in which your body attacks its own tissues because it thinks they are foreign. It prevents your body’s exocrine (moisture-producing) gland from producing enough moisture for different a...
- Drug Abuse 101 - What You Absolutely Need to Know
- Introduction Due to the change in world’s social and economic pattern with so much of stressors and so less time for each other and even for oneself to get relaxed, there is a hug scope for the immature population to go for unnatural and short-liv...
- Drug Abuse and the Over All Affect on the Pursuit of Happiness
- Illegal Drug use although against the law is often considered a personal choice and many believe that in the spirit of freedom drugs ought to be legalized. But then we also know that many who use drugs cannot control themselves and thus end up abuse...