General Health
Different Ways of Dealing With Acne
Types of Acne Acne is a general term used to describe the result of plugged pores on the face, back, or chest. Generally characterized by red bumps and whiteheads, acne also includes blackheads and lumps that form beneath the skin. The following con...
Foods To Combat Anxiety
Anxiety is a common problem in modern day society and is a common symptom of stress. In stressful situations, anxiety is normal, it’s when anxious feelings start to take over your life that it becomes a problem. Typical symptoms of anxiety are fee...
Hot Yoga - Bikram's Twenty Six
Even though the world population has shifted from mainly rural to mainly urban in the last decade, there are still lots of folks like me who live in the sticks. Doing things like taking a yoga class becomes a different thing in our case from driving...
Living Together Without Marriage Improves Men's Mental Health
A study in England of thousands of women and men found that people who went through the good and bad times with the original mate and stayed together were much happier mentally. It was also found that men who played the field got over the relationsh...
More Ways to Deal With Acne
The “cures” for acne vary dependant on the type and severity of acne. The truth is, there is currently no cure for acne, only treatments. Some people have success treating their acne with over the counter topical medications, and others require...
The Relaxing Magic of Ear Candles
Personal hygiene and its maintenance is as important for a healthy lifestyle as nutritious food and physical workout. And when we talk about personal hygiene, it is important that we also talk about the unique pair of organs that help us hear. Yes!...
Prevention and Treatment for Acne Scars
While it may sound elementary, the first place to start with acne scar treatment is prevention. Most people cannot predict when they will have an acne outbreak or how severe that outbreak will be. If you suffer from acne outbreaks, having a good pre...
Want Better Sleep? Here's 10 Useful Tips
We all need some help now and then in getting to sleep. Rather than just popping a pill which can be habit forming and lead to more sleep problems in the long term, try these sleeping tips. One or more of them will surely help. Have a hot bath Not h...
Diabetes Awareness: Diabetes on the Job
When you go to work, your diabetes goes with you. You get up, get showered, get breakfast, get to work. You have bills, therefore you have a job. But you also have diabetes. You have to care for your diabetes while you're at work. Here are 10 tips f...