General Health
- Diabetes Awareness: I'll Wait 'til it Hurts
- By the time many type 2 diabetics (and often their doctors) realize action is necessary, the disease, with its destructive high blood sugars, has been silently damaging their body for years. Complications to the blood vessels and tissues of your eye...
- Diabetes Awareness: Wake Up Call
- When traveling on out-of-town business, its common to have the hotel front desk give you a wake-up call in the morning. You want to avoid the embarrassment and repercussions of being late for your business appointments. Here is an important wake-up...
- Diabetes Awareness: Will They Recognize You?
- Imagine how it feels to look younger, feel younger, and act younger! Now, think about how others see you. Are you ready to make a lasting impression on your friends and family? Great! Taking charge of your diabetes through exercise can give you a yo...
- Drug Abuse Testing - Commercialization of Drug Abuse Testing
- Testing for the presence of illegal or banned substances has been in practice for some time, and is usually conducted by professionals and laboratories that specialize in drug abuse testing. Drug abuse testing is mandatory by law for many jobs and p...
- Drug Testing - What Do You Know about Drug Testing?
- What do you know about drug testing? This is the set of special tests directed to find toxins in your organism caused by using drugs. Usually such tests are made with urine, saliva, blood, hair or other reagents. Drug testing is common. In your life...
- Humulin or Lantus, Which Insulin For Your Child?
- Humulin or Lantus? When my daughter, who was 8, was first diagnosed the Children's Hospital that was treating her put her on an insulin program of short acting Humalog NPH and long acting Humalin N. You should have seen me that first day of training...
- Narcissism, Substance Abuse, and Reckless Behaviours
- Pathological narcissism is an addiction to Narcissistic Supply, the narcissist's drug of choice. It is, therefore, not surprising that other addictive and reckless behaviours – workaholism, alcoholism, drug abuse, pathological gambling, compulsory...
- Pre-Diabetes: 'Check Engine' Warning Light
- Your car has an early detection system and so does your body. Take 3 minutes to read this article and learn how you can save yourself a life time of aches, pains, and costly medical bills. Have you ever had the "Check Engine" warning light come on i...
- Preparing Your Child and Family for Life With Diabetes
- After the initial shock of diagnosis wears off and we become more comfortable with administering insulin shots, scheduling blood tests and mealtimes, and carbohydrate counting we have a chance to look to the future. At that point it really begins to...