General Health
Health Insurance Plan
You only can beat them if you don’t get sick, but sooner or later, you or a member of your family will get sick and you will be faced with enormous hospital expenses that could eat a large chunk out of your savings. You may not feel it now because...
Malaria - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Malaria is a serious disease caused by a parasite. Infected mosquitoes spread it. Malaria is very common throughout the world. In the United States, the main risk is to persons traveling to tropical and subtropical countries where malaria is a probl...
Alopecia - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Alopecia areata is a form of hair loss from areas of the body, usually from the scalp . Because it causes bald spots on the head, especially in the first stages, it is sometimes called spot baldness. Alopecia areata affects both males and females. T...
Anemia - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Anemia is a condition where there is a lower than normal number of red blood cells in the blood, usually measured by a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin. " It is a common problem for cancer patients and often results from the therapies used to su...
Migraine - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Migraine is a neurological disease of which the most common symptom is an intense and disabling episodic headache. Migraine headaches are usually characterized by severe pain on one or both sides of the head. Absent serious head injuries, stroke, an...
Asthma - Home Remedies to Cure Asthma
Asthma is a disease that affects the breathing passages of the lungs (bronchioles). The muscles of the bronchial walls tighten, and cells in the lungs produce extra mucus further narrowing your airways. This can cause minor wheezing to severe diffic...
Athlete's Foot - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Athlete's foot a skin disease and it is a fungal infection usually between the toes. Athlete foot is also called tinea pedis. The condition easily spreads in public places such as communal showers, locker rooms and fitness centers.Although athlete's...
Bad Breath - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Bad Breath is an embarrassing problem. Bad Breath is usually caused by the breakdown of proteins by bacteria somewhere in the mouth. Bad breath is not contagious. Bad breath is a problem that is shared by millions of people across the country. Chron...
Cataract Treatment and Prevention
Cataract is a cloudy or opaque area in the lens of the eye. Cataract is a clouding of the eye's natural lens, which lies behind the iris and the pupil. The lens works much like a camera lens, focusing light onto the retina at the back of the eye. Th...