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Chiropractic Elements of Therapy
Chiropractors regard the body's nervous system as fundamental to health. Pain and disease are the result of undue pressure on the nervous system by mechanical, chemical, or psychological factors. Restoration to health and maintenance of health there...
Behavioral Therapy Information
Since its early 20th-century beginnings, behavioral therapy has prided itself above all on being scientific. So avoiding such unquantifiable as needs, wants, and motivation, together with excursions into the unconscious and trans personal. Instead i...
All About Cancer
Cancer is a disease in which certain body cells go out of control and start multiplying rapidly of their own accord. This uncontrolled growth becomes a tumor and eventually, if unchecked, will interfere with the working of a vital organ or organs an...
Body System - Problems of The Head
The Head contains the brain, the sensory organs, and the throat - the gateway to the lungs and digestive system. Together these organs allow us to think, see, hear, breathe, take in nutrients, and generally make sense of our environment. The bones o...
Herbal Medicines For Allergies
An Allergies is an abnormal reaction of the immune system to substances that cause no symptoms in the majority of people. One in eight people has one or more allergies, and allergic conditions tend to run in families. The condition is described as a...
Aromatherapy - How to Use Essential Oils
Aromatherapy is the use of ft essential oils from plants to enhance general health and appearance. The term was coined by its originator, the French chemist Rene-Maurice Gattefosse. Aromatherapy is used for a wide variety of problems, ranging from a...
Autogenic Training
Autogenic training (AT) originated in the 1930s as a result of Dr. Johannes Schultz's development of earlier German research into sleep and hypnosis. Physicians noticed that if they emphasized suggestions of environmental heaviness and warmth, their...
General Internal Medicine: Opportunity Unlimited
Internal Medicine is regarded as one of the main specialties of medicine. The work area of internal medicine includes surgery, pediatrics, and ob-gyn. In addition, general internal medicine has many sub-specialties. Subspecialties may include organ...
The Rising Demand for Fluorochemicals
Fluorochemicals have always been very popular. However, in recent times, they have become even more so. Fluorochemicals as a group were discovered around 1530 and were first used during this time. They were discovered, described, and used by Georgio...