Herbal Medicines For Migraine Treatment
This is a persistent ache in the head, usually a response to stress or tension, 'or to toxins circulating in the blood as a result of infection. Typical migraine symptoms include visual disturbances or hallucinatory "aura"; throbbing headache (class...
Modern Acupuncture Information
Although acupuncture is believed to have been practiced in China for as long as 5,000 years, it is a recent introduction in the West. It was first introduced into Britain at the end of the 18th century, when it was initially taken very seriously by...
Herbal Medicines For Blood Problems
Problems with the blood, as opposed to the supply or circulation of blood, are normally the result of something wrong in the chemical composition of the blood so that either it does not flow as it should (it may clot too quickly or not fast enough)...
Light and Sound Therapies - Light Therapy
Light and sound therapies are "sensory" because they act on the human senses through waves of both sound and light. Sitting in the sun or listening to a favorite piece of music can definitely affect your mood. But because not all sound and light wav...
Herbal Home Remedies For Ear Problems
As with eyes, serious infections of the inner ear should be referred to a specialist. Alternative therapies can be very helpful for problems caused by infection of the outer ear and excessive catarrh. Glue ear, a condition that commonly affects chil...
Herbal Medicines For Eye Problems
Severe problems with eyes should always be referred to a specialist, but alternative therapies can support orthodox treatment and may be very useful in conditions that affect the eyelids and tear glands. When treating infections and inflammations of...
Energy Therapies for Healing
Most Alternative therapies hold that human beings are not only physical, but consist of a "subtle energy" system that relates to the mental, emotional, and spiritual self, all of which may be addressed in diagnosis and treatment. Though not yet scie...
Herbal Medicines For Arms and Hands
There are a number of causes for pain in the arms and hands. When pain is associated with neck and shoulder blade stiffness, and there is a pins and needles sensation in part of the arm, the pain may be "referred" from the neck or midback. Specific...
Creative Arts Therapies
Since the early 1900s, as psychology developed and the unconscious began to be explored, the role that the creative process can play in revealing and healing has been studied and clarified. Emotions are experienced - without the filter of words - in...