Weight Loss
- 10 Best Ways To Think Thin and Lose Weight Effectively
- Why do so many of us fail or give up our efforts to lose weight? The reason is that we pay too little attention to our emotions and what drive us to eat unnecessarily. If you are able to get a grip on these emotions, you have a better chance of succ...
- Diet and Cholesterol
- Diet and Cholesterol - The single biggest influence on our cholesterol condition . Cholesterol was not a factor when Charles Darwin's proposed his theory "Survival of the fittest". He would certainly re-write his theory if he existed today, battling...
- Best Food To Lower Cholesterol
- As we all know, man must eat in order for man to perform his or her everyday tasks. A persons food consumption varies. There are some that content with only one round and there are some that are not satisfied with just one round of meal. The selecti...
- Gastric Bypass Surgery is an effective weight reduction procedure
- gastric bypass surgery is a surgical procedure that can help with weight loss. This procedure is very common and surgeons have successfully used this for helping patients reduce weight drastically. The success rate of gastric bypass is very high and...
- Are You Caught Up In A Cycle Of Fat Loss And Fitness Confusion?
- As a member of a popular fitness center for a few years, I noticed countless others frustrated with their fat burning exercise routines and eating practices, working so hard and long but with virtually no improvement to show for it. Several of my ow...
- Get in Shape for Under 30 dollars!
- While you can find plenty of expensive fitness equipment to spend your money on, it may surprise you to know that you can get started with a few choice items, each for under $30. Many people think that you need to spend a lot of money on equipment i...
- How To Get Rid Of Stubborn Belly Fat
- Most of us know what it is like to button up our jeans only to find that bit of flab that hangs over the button-flap. It can be frustrating and embarrassing. It also seems like getting rid of that stubborn belly fat is near impossible. Excess belly...
- Lose Weight by Climbing Stairs
- Stairs climbing is the best way to reduce body fat and burn calories. It is estimated that approximately 75 calories utilizes in the 15-20 minutes of climbing stairs. A stair climbing is not just useful to reduce excess fat; it also makes strong mus...
- Why Does Weight Loss Stop?
- Have you reached your plateau? Are you fighting with stubborn weight loss and it seems like you’re losing the battle? Know that you are not alone. A lot of people get to the point where they find out they cannot lose even one ounce more. It can be...